Unit Title | Author |
Karen L. Brinkley |
Keywords: analyze and critique, comparative analysis, Critical thinking, Ghana, hip-hop, importance of music, movies, past traditions, primary source documents, rap music, sankofa, Technology, Twi language |
Leslie Carlis |
Keywords: 12th grade, acting, analyze, drama class, educational websites, graphic organizers, Harlem, Harlem Renaissance, hip-hop, Hughes, interpret, Langston Hughes, perform the production, power point presentations, public speaking, read, short stories, themes of poems, themes of short stories, videos |
Lisa Katzer |
Keywords: 4th Grade, 5th grade, display, dissecting lyrics, figurative language, hip-hop, listening skills, meaning and awareness, meaningful learning, perform, rap music, vocabulary, writing poetry |
Lisa Kelly |
Keywords: African American, African-based American art form, analyze, Bronx, city students, comments on current events, enjoy, literary devices, literary skills, literary styles, rap music, rap tells stories, relevant to student life, tells stories, trace themes |
Samuel A. Reed, III |
Keywords: commercial and community, Critical thinking, hip-hop, hip-hop lyrics, media literacy, non-print media, persuasion, persuasive digital stories, persuasive techniques, persuasive writing, rap music, Reading, social studies, traditional literacy, writing |
Myrtle Bastien |
Keywords: Civil War, fiction, History, invention, ironclad ships, Monitor and Merrimac, naval warfare, science fiction, secret weapon, submarine |
Nancy Baulis |
Keywords: aeronautics, air machines, Dirigibles, fantasy, Hindenburg, hot air balloon, Math, Philadelphia Zoo, Science, science fiction, social studies, weather, Wizard of Oz, writing |
Wendy J. Hafford |
Keywords: Beyond This Horizon, Brave New World, creativity, Critical thinking, Gattaca, genetics, Media, Science, writing |
Elizabeth M. Harvey |
Keywords: biological sciences, Biology, Blood Child, Brave New World, environment, genetics, governmental structures, I, robot, Science, societal structures, Technology |
Christine Lokey |
Keywords: broaden vocabulary, literacy and inquiry, oral language, Reading, real world experience, Scientific inquiry, scientific reasoning, writing |
Kate Reber |
Keywords: American History, Bloodchild, Brave New World, Humanities, interdisciplinary, Math, possible world, Science, Technology, world history |
Deborah Samuel |
Keywords: Beyond This Horizon, Biology, Brave New World, English, literacy, neuropsychology, technological advances |
Steven Shust |
Keywords: American History, Cold War, cold war culture, cold war politics, cold war technology, conformity, control, destruction through the lens of science fiction, fear, films, History, novels, science fiction, themes of alientation |
Stuart Surrey |
Keywords: atomic structure, audiovisual, chemical reactions, Chemistry, energy, English, flow of energy, matter, printed, Science, science fiction |
Maxine Tumaian |
Keywords: art critique, career, conservation quests, cross-curricular, cryptozoology, film interpretation, Middle School, scientific process, vocabulary builders, Yeti |
Anne Cherian |
Keywords: childhood obesity, eating behaviors, exercise programs, growth patterns, obesity, obesity prevention, physical activity, weight control |
Cheryle Jackson |
Keywords: 5th grade, alternative eating, childhood obesity, Health, journals, nutrition, obesity, population-based intervention, public health, recipes, Science, Standard American Diet, vegetarianism |
Catherine Cmiel |
Keywords: analyze, charts, choose good foods, classify foods, elementary school, food pyramid, healthy bodies, Literature, need, nutrition, nutritional games, want, worksheets, writing |
Daun U. Sandlin |
Keywords: Body Mass Index, children, diseases, eating right, elementary school, exercise, healthy bodies, healthy lifestyle, parent involvement, unhealthy diet |
David H. Adams |
Keywords: body fat, childhood obesity, daily exercise, fast food, healthy good choices, Middle School, poor diets, processed foods, science lab, self esteem |