Danina Garcia, National Steering Committee Representative
Danina Garcia is a National Board-certified English teacher, a 2003 graduate of the Philadelphia public school system and a fourth-generation schoolteacher. She currently teaches at Vaux Big Picture High School, where she was a founding staff member for the school’s reopening in 2017. She has been participating in the Teacher’s Institute seminars since 2022.
As national steering committee representative, Garcia represents TIP to our parent program, the Yale National Initiative, and helps select fellows for national seminars at Yale.
TIP Teacher Advisory Council Members
Teacher Liaisons (TLs) represent their school and promote the TIP program to their fellow teachers. Teacher Representatives (TRs), in addition to performing these responsibilities, meet monthly to decide on program policies and program content. TRs also review applications to the program and decide on the placement of teachers in seminars and workshops.
Teacher Liaisons
Marie Clark, H. C. Lea School
Teacher Representatives
Ariel Coff, Science Leadership Academy Middle School
Marla Colondres, Swenson Arts and Tech HS
Emma Connolly, D. Newlin Fell School
Jennifer Gallagher, Widener Memorial
Danina Garcia, Vaux Big Picture HS
Chloe Glynn, Furness High School
Anna Herman, U School
Tyriese Holloway, Overbrook High School
Tia Larese, Penn Alexander School
Alima McKnight, Richmond School
Keeler Park, Girls High School
Katherine Steiner, Academy at Palumbo
Emma Steinheimer, Science Leadership Academy
Geoffrey Winikur, Carver High School of Engineering and Science
Lisa Yau, F. S. Key School