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6th Grade Statistics

Dr. David L. Turner
Keywords: 6th grade math, Math, powerpoints, Statistics, visual math


Empathy through Small Data: Using Our Own Data to Visualize the Impact of Wicked Problems

Charlie McGeehan
Keywords: Creative Writing, data analysis, Data visualization, Describing data, Hand-Drawn Visualization, Humanities, Math, Research design, Senior Project, Statistics, Visual Art

An Investigation into Data Visualization

Lindsay Neath
Keywords: data analysis, Data visualization, Describing data, Graphs, Histogram, Math, Statistics

See the Problem, Be the Change

Tracy Saltz
Keywords: data analysis, Data visualization, Describing data, Math, Statistics

Statistics Unique Place in Math

Paul Dale
Keywords: Describing data, Histogram, statistical questions, Statistics


What Is It Like to Live Without Electricity?

Catherine Michini
Keywords: choice boards, data displays, electricity, Environmental Science, physics, probability, Probability and Statistics, quantitative tools, real world problems, scientific context, Statistics


Do You See What I See? Is Candy Just a Treat or a Math Tool? Statistics and You

Monica Brundage
Keywords: Data, Math, Middle, Probability / Statistics, special education, Statistics, vocabulary

Scatter Plots in Statistics for Struggling Students

Kathleen McCullough
Keywords: correlation, eighth grade, Math, Middle School, Probability / Statistics, scatter plots, Statistics

Estimation Station

Melissa Freeman
Keywords: elementary, estimation, fall, kindergarten, Math, Probability / Statistics, Statistics

So What’s All This I Hear About a Math Gender Gap?

Joyce Arnosky
Keywords: data analysis, data landmarks, elementary, Math, mean, median, Probability / Statistics, range, social science research, Statistics, surveys, upper elementary

Statistics for First Grade, What Do You Mean?

Catherine Cmiel
Keywords: elementary, first graders, Math, Probability / Statistics, Statistics

Survey Says: Exploring Statistics through Data Collection and Graphs

Rita Sorrentino
Keywords: charts, data collection, elementary, grades 5 and 6, infographics, Math, Probability / Statistics, Statistics, surveys

Creating a Survey and Analyzing and Displaying the Data Results from a Survey

Lance M. Levy
Keywords: Algebra 1, Math, Probability / Statistics, Probability and Statistics, statistical distributions, statistical questions, Statistics


Take a Chance!

Tiffany Moyer
Keywords: chance, Literature, predictions, probability, Statistics, Technology

Biological Applications of Statistical Analysis

Stuart Surrey
Keywords: Biology, probability, problem solving, Statistics


Know Your Position – How?

Ann Cherian
Keywords: binomial probability, binomial theory, decision making, measures, normal distribution, Pascal's Triangle, Probability and Statistics, statistical distributions, Statistics, tools


Statistics of Immigration in Philadelphia

Anatol Kondili
Keywords: Algebra 2, analyze, central tendency, charts, Data, flux of immigrants, history of immigration, predictions, rates of immigration, samples of population, sampling method, Statistics