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Unit TitleAuthor


Probability and the Observable Universe

Bridget Mason
Keywords: astronomy, combination, compound probability, counting principle, dependent events, experimental Probability, habitable planets, habitable zone, independent events, multiplication, mutually exclusive events, overlapping events, permutation, probability, sample space, Theoretical probability


What Is It Like to Live Without Electricity?

Catherine Michini
Keywords: choice boards, data displays, electricity, Environmental Science, physics, probability, Probability and Statistics, quantitative tools, real world problems, scientific context, Statistics


The Plot Thickens: Teaching Statistics Using Math Games

Klair McGlynn
Keywords: data displays, elementary, graph activities, kindergarten math games, Math, probability, Probability / Statistics, statistics for primary grades, surveys, using picture books in the math curriculum


Winner Take All? Exploring Probability through Games of Chance

Joyce Arnosky
Keywords: chance, math games, probability

Is This Fair?

Jason M. Bui
Keywords: Everyday Math, probability, self contained

The Games We Play – An Interactive Analysis of Probability

Brian Cohen
Keywords: decimal, fraction, games, percent, probability

Understanding Probability

Elizabeth Gourlis
Keywords: literacy, probability, self contained

The Game of Chance

Angela Han
Keywords: chance, Everyday Math, games, probability

Great Outcome

Carmen Kissoon-Ragoonanan
Keywords: outcome, permutations, probability

Probability of Winning the Lottery

Jessica Langholtz
Keywords: games, lottery, permutations, probability

Take a Chance!

Tiffany Moyer
Keywords: chance, Literature, predictions, probability, Statistics, Technology

Utilizing Literature and Science to Teach Probability in the Elementary Classroom

Kellye Porter
Keywords: Literature, probability, Science

What Are My Chances? Exploring Probability with Virtual Tools

Rita Sorrentino
Keywords: chance, probability, risk

Biological Applications of Statistical Analysis

Stuart Surrey
Keywords: Biology, probability, problem solving, Statistics