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Environmental ScienceView by: Year | Seminar

Unit TitleAuthor


Climate Crisis: a Storyline Exploration

Bijal Makadia
Keywords: climate crisis, renewable energy, Scottish Storyline Method

What Happens After the Water Leaves the Sky?

Aisha Kittrell
Keywords: hydrologic cycle, run-off, storm drain, stormwater, the water cycle, water filtration, water pollution, water quality

The Power of Environmental Monitoring

Anna Herman
Keywords: air quality, environmental advocacy, environmental justice, environmental monitoring, green stormwater infrastructure, lead, soil contamination, soil health, urban gardening, water quality, youth environmental justice

Environmental Health in the Classroom

Kimberly Sweeney
Keywords: conservation, contamination, plastic pollution, water cycle, water pollution

Humans and the Environment: How Water Pollution and Littering Affect Health

Chelsea Maher
Keywords: engineering, environment, Health, littering, pollution, urban, water, waterways, world

Freshwater In Our World: Philadelphia’s Freshwater Supply and the Role We Each Play in its Future

Phyllis Hurwitz
Keywords: climate change, distribution of water, hydrologic cycle, impermeable sources, philadelphia middle school science, urban watershed, water, water pollution

Where Does Our Water Come From?

David White
Keywords: water, water cycle, water filtration, water pollution, Watershed

Critical Metals and Their Real-World Applications

Ariel Coff
Keywords: earth metals, mining, periodic table

Changing Technology for a Changing Climate: Knowledge is not always power, but power is rarely ignorant

Chloe Glynn
Keywords: climate change, critical minerals, environment, fossil fuels, geopolitics, green technology, greenhouse gases, hands-on experiments, power, renewable energy, social media

The Museum of Gold

Kristin Nakaishi
Keywords: economics, geology, gold, minerals, Sociology

Sustainable? Systemic Dis-illusions?

Maya Bhagat
Keywords: critical metals, rare earth metals, sustainability, systems


Understanding the Importance of the Fourth Estate through the Lead Public Health Crisis

Alexander de Arana
Keywords: Government, Health, lead

Lead Town Hall

Freda/Frankie Anderson
Keywords: activism, environment, Health, social studies, STEM

Keeping the Lead Out: Healthy Hydration at Home and at School

Cristobal Carambo
Keywords: Chemistry, child development, environment, Health, health policies, lead, neurotoxin

Interpreting Data

Nicole Gasser
Keywords: environment, Flint, Health, lead, math literacy, Michigan, Philadelphia Region

Lead: Causes, Effects, and Prevention

Stephanie M Robinson
Keywords: child development, Health, lead, lead paint, lead poisoning, paint

Living With Lead: Lessons for Environmental Justice and Citizenship

Ryann Rouse
Keywords: analyzing informational texts, central theme, environmental citizenship, environmental justice, Flint, interpreting facts, lead, lead legislation, lead paint, lead poisoning, lead regulation, Philadelphia, research project, toxicity, toxins, water crisis

Lead Affects Our Lives and Our Learning

Charlette Walker
Keywords: activism, Health, lead, research based, writing assignments

Concentrating on Solutions to Soil Lead Contamination at Home

Eual A. Phillips, Jr.
Keywords: environment, ESD, Health, lead, lead contamination, lead poisoning, soil contamination


Models on Earth and Space

Amatise Ponzo
Keywords: Earth Science, listening, Reading, Space Science