Unit Title | Author |
Peggy Marie Savage |
Keywords: Data, Data visualization, emoji, emojis, emotions, monitor, tracking |
Nicole Flores |
Keywords: Clips, Media, Novel, Pairing, Pop culture, Reading |
David Jennis |
Keywords: "The Great Gatsby", Cinematography, Creative Writing, Drama, Entertainment industry, Media, Reading, Screen writing |
Matthew Menschner |
Keywords: American History, Cinematography, Cold War, Entertainment industry, Media, Media Strategies, Media Studies, Politics, Pop culture, Propaganda, World politics, World War II |
Keeler Park |
Keywords: Cinematography, Creative Writing, developing research questions, Entertainment industry, essay, film, film in the classroom, Media, outline, Pop culture, public speaking, Reading, Research, research project, student choice, writing |
Wendi Mungai Umoren |
Keywords: Africa, Creative Writing, Media, Reading, Screen writing |
Katherine Breitbart |
Keywords: Art, asian art and culture, attention, engineering, first grade, focus, geometry, learning strategies, Math, origami, paper folding, Science, skills development, social-emotional learning, spatial reasoning, STEAM, STEM |
Catherine Michini |
Keywords: Alexander Calder, Art, fold-and-cut, geometry, Math, Mobile, origami, Philadelphia, Pi Day, pop-up card, STEAM |
Rachel Odoroff |
Keywords: Art, Math, origami, Standards for Mathematical Practice |
Patricia Rich |
Keywords: archives, Bethlehem, colonial Pennsylvania, cross-curricular, diaspora, Fröbel, Froebel, geometry, German Bells, German script, Historical Society of Pennsylvania, love feast, modular stars, Moravian, Moravian Archives, Moravian College, Moravian Star, polyhedral Stars, pop-up, project-based, Sütterlin |
Bobby E. Stewart |
Keywords: Art, Math, origami, Science activity |
Elizabeth Szablya |
Keywords: Art, asian art and culture, construct, design, design thinking, engineering, fold, hands-on, High School, kirigami, modular origami, origami, PHiZZ, Physical Science, presentation, project based instruction, project-based, prototype, Science, Science activity, Scientific Method, snapology, spatial reasoning, STEAM, STEM, student lead, tessilation, Yoshizawa, Yoshizawa randlett |
Cara Wallin |
Keywords: geometry, Growth Mindset, Math, Mindfulness, origami, spatial reasoning |
Terry Anne Wildman |
Keywords: geometry, Math, origami |
Lisa (Yuk Kuen) Yau |
Keywords: Art, geometry, Math, origami, Science activity, STEAM, STEM |
Krystle Birdsall |
Keywords: Analyzing arguments, Critical thinking, ELA activity, ethics, Making connections, Morality, Personal Identity, Philoslphy of science, philosophy, Questioning, social studies |
Taylor Franko |
Keywords: Analyzing arguments, Critical thinking, philosophy, Political thought, Questioning, social studies |
Bridget Mason |
Keywords: abstract reasoning, algebra, Algebra 1, Analyzing arguments, Critical thinking, habits of mind, Making connections, Math, modeling, pattern recognition, problem solving, quantitative reasoning, Questioning |
Jaimie Piotrowicz |
Keywords: Analyzing arguments, Critical thinking, ELA activity, ethics, Making connections, Personal Identity, philosophy, Questioning, social justice |
Stephanie Robinson |
Keywords: Analyzing arguments, Critical thinking, ELA activity, ethics, Making connections, Morality, Personal Identity, philosophy, Political thought, Questioning, social justice |