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All TIP Curriculum UnitsView by: Year | Seminar

Unit TitleAuthor


Afghanistan: A Nation of Minorities

Kathleen Ayers
Keywords: Afghanistan, economies, Global history, Middle East History, policies

In Palestine and Israel: Writers and Activists Light the Way to Peace

Barbara McDowell Dowdall
Keywords: Arabs, Israel, Jews, Middle East History, Palestine, religion

The United States and Afghanistan 1970 – 2010: Friendships and Foes in Times of War

Stephanie Felder
Keywords: Afghanistan, Foreign Relations, Middle East History

Ancient To Modern: Hearing the Artistic voices of Iran

Cristina Hernandez
Keywords: Iran, Iranian Artists, Middle East

The American Veil: Media Inspired (Mis)Conceptualization of Muslim Women of the Middle East

Zoelene Hill
Keywords: mass media, Middle East, Muslim women

Encounters of the First Kind: Early U.S. and Middle East Relations

Mona Kolsky
Keywords: American History, Middle East History, oil

In and Out of Africa — Egypt, Sudan and the Influence of the Ottoman Empire

Pat Mitchell-Keita-Doe
Keywords: Egypt, Middle East, Sudan

Afghanistan in Poetry, Literature, and Nonfiction Texts

Elisabeth Raab
Keywords: Afghan Star, conflict, Dexter Filkins, modern Afghanistan, The Forever War, The Kite Runner

Modern Middle Eastern History

Daniel Rivera
Keywords: Judaeo-Spanis, Spanish

Problem Solving Strategies for Third Graders

Nicole Flores and Angela Han
Keywords: Critical thinking, Everyday Math, multiplication, subtraction

Understanding Number Sense for Fraction Success

Elizabeth Gourlis
Keywords: fractions, Math in Context, Ratio

Cultivate Your Creativity By Thinking Outside Of The Box

Carmen Kissoon-Ragoonanan
Keywords: brain teasers, mathematics, problem solving

Patterns Here, Patterns There, Patterns Popping Everywhere!

Tamar Magdovitz
Keywords: patterns, problem solving

Inter-disciplinary Exploration of Order: Looking Through the Commutative Property Lens

Nicole L. Padula
Keywords: algebra, Literature, mathematics, Science

Functional Gardens

Rudolph Reid
Keywords: algebra, equations, Graphs, order of operations, problem solving

The Easy Way to Calculate: The Art and Craft of Problem Solving

Krishan L. Wadhwa
Keywords: diagrams, mathematics, problem solving

Fairytales, Folktales, and Animal Tales: A Culturally Responsive Approach to Literacy

Aimee Davis
Keywords: African American folktales, fairytales, West African Geography

Teaching Similar and Different Through Fairy Tale Variants

Melissa Freeman
Keywords: cinderella, literacy, multicultural

Once Upon an Opposite: Using Multi-Cultural Trickster Tales to Promote Literacy

Klair McGlynn
Keywords: fairytales, leprechaun, literacy, St Patricks Day, trickster stories

Using Variants of Red Riding Hood to Build Critical Reading Skills

Mindy Cohen
Keywords: fairytales, reading skills, red riding hood