Unit Title | Author |
Kathleen Ayers |
Keywords: Afghanistan, economies, Global history, Middle East History, policies |
Barbara McDowell Dowdall |
Keywords: Arabs, Israel, Jews, Middle East History, Palestine, religion |
Stephanie Felder |
Keywords: Afghanistan, Foreign Relations, Middle East History |
Cristina Hernandez |
Keywords: Iran, Iranian Artists, Middle East |
Zoelene Hill |
Keywords: mass media, Middle East, Muslim women |
Mona Kolsky |
Keywords: American History, Middle East History, oil |
Pat Mitchell-Keita-Doe |
Keywords: Egypt, Middle East, Sudan |
Elisabeth Raab |
Keywords: Afghan Star, conflict, Dexter Filkins, modern Afghanistan, The Forever War, The Kite Runner |
Daniel Rivera |
Keywords: Judaeo-Spanis, Spanish |
Nicole Flores and Angela Han |
Keywords: Critical thinking, Everyday Math, multiplication, subtraction |
Elizabeth Gourlis |
Keywords: fractions, Math in Context, Ratio |
Carmen Kissoon-Ragoonanan |
Keywords: brain teasers, mathematics, problem solving |
Tamar Magdovitz |
Keywords: patterns, problem solving |
Nicole L. Padula |
Keywords: algebra, Literature, mathematics, Science |
Rudolph Reid |
Keywords: algebra, equations, Graphs, order of operations, problem solving |
Krishan L. Wadhwa |
Keywords: diagrams, mathematics, problem solving |
Aimee Davis |
Keywords: African American folktales, fairytales, West African Geography |
Melissa Freeman |
Keywords: cinderella, literacy, multicultural |
Klair McGlynn |
Keywords: fairytales, leprechaun, literacy, St Patricks Day, trickster stories |
Mindy Cohen |
Keywords: fairytales, reading skills, red riding hood |