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All TIP Curriculum UnitsView by: Year | Seminar

Unit TitleAuthor


African American History as told through African American Music

Sue Christmas
Keywords: African American music, American History, Media, Music

Traveling In Time Through Words: Lyrics of Hip Hop, Funk, Jazz and the Blues

Sydney Hunt Coffin
Keywords: African American culture, blues, funk, hip-hop, Jazz, Music

What is American Music and Where Did it Come From?

Frank Machos
Keywords: blues, Jazz, Music, Music History, rock

Exposing Primary Age Students to African American Musical Genres and the History of African American Music

Jennifer Paratto Motsney
Keywords: African American music, hip-hop, musical genres, rap

Stop The Violence: Music is the Message

Regina Perrulli
Keywords: African American History, Music, rap, Slavery, violence

Moved by the Music: A Musical Journey in West African and African American Music

Donna M. Rohanna
Keywords: African American music, Culture, Music, West Africa

Oye como va: African and Hispanic Influences on Music

Diana Shortall
Keywords: African music, Cuba, Cuban music, Music, Reggaeton

Cultural Music and Movement

Lorraine Bias
Keywords: African dance, movement, Music, traditions

Super Books! Using Comics and Graphic Novels to Enhance Literacy Instruction

Erin Bloom
Keywords: comic books, graphic novels, literacy

Learning Sequencing Through Eric Carle Books

Pamela Elters
Keywords: counting, Eric Carle, illustrations, maps, size

Connections to Literature

Nicole Flores
Keywords: African American literature, comprehension, Literature

Teaching Reading Skills through Poetry

Melissa Freeman
Keywords: language play, poetry, reading skills

Playing with Poetry

Rachel Gelb
Keywords: early literacy, literacy, poetry, Reading

Phonemes, Come Get the Phone! Who’s Calling?

Grace Hollaender
Keywords: Charlotte's web, Math, Reading, social studies, writing

A Picture’s Worth a Thousand Words: Exploring Illustrations in Caldecott Award Books to Increase Vocabulary Acquisition

Klair McGlynn
Keywords: Caldecott, illustrations, vocabulary

From Hastinapur to Canterbury: Textualizing the Frame Narrative

Lori Mehler
Keywords: English, medieval, narrative

Oh Mother, Pleeeeze Let Me Read That Book! The United States Constitution and Banned Books

Pat Mitchell-Keita-Doe
Keywords: banned, books, constitution, History, social history

Allegory and America: Analyzing the work of Virginia Lee Burton

Kate Reber
Keywords: American History, literary devices, Virginia Lee Burton

Whodunit? Using Technology to Unravel the Mystery of Mystery Fiction

Darlene Schaffer
Keywords: Edgar Allen Poe, learning disbability, mystery, Technology

Using Children’s Literature to Teach Symbolism and Allegory

Jessica L. Coldren
Keywords: Aesop's Fables, allegory, symbolism, The Giver