Unit Title | Author |
Katherine Volin |
Keywords: class, gender, Music, poetry, race |
Robert Rivera-Amezola |
Keywords: cities, class, digital citizens, digital games, digital literacy, elementary, gender, race, Technology |
Kristin Nakaishi |
Keywords: economics, geology, gold, minerals, Sociology |
John Taylor-Baranik |
Keywords: civic education, civil rights, dialogical pedagogy, inquiry-based learning, interdisciplinary curriculum, media literacy, student research, voting rights |
Alexander de Arana |
Keywords: History, Humanities, identity politics, political divide, social sciences, social studies |
Pearl Jonas |
Keywords: Africa, African American History, Bias, Culture, Identity, Music, narrative, perspective, project-based, Single story, stereotypes, storytelling |
Bijal Makadia |
Keywords: climate crisis, renewable energy, Scottish Storyline Method |
Keeler Park |
Keywords: book study, collaborative reading, Creative Writing, Culture, ethnicity, gender, igno-rance, immigrant experience, injustice, knowledge, lan-guage arts, literacy, philosophy, social class, social justice, society, The House on Mango Street, women empowerment, writing project |
Allison Aubry |
Keywords: Art, blessings, clay tools, coil pot, motif, narrative, Native American, pinch pot, pottery, pottery wheel, Pueblo Pottery, secondary, slab, symbolism, symbols, well wishes |
Sally O’Brien |
Keywords: class, gender, gentrification, High School, intersectionality, landscape literacy, media analysis, metaphor, place-based learning, poetry, race |
Kimberley Colasante |
Keywords: Acoma, Ancestral Pueblo, Cochiti, Jason Garcia, Maria Martinez, Pueblo Pottery, Pueblo revolt, San Ildefonso Pueblo, Santa Clara Pueblo, Santa Domingo Pueblo, Taos, Tewa, Zuni |
Ryann Rouse |
Keywords: education, Environmental Issues, gentrification, Healthcare, immigration, intersectionality, Philadelphia 2035, Photo Essay, Urban Planning, Wealth |
Jennifer Gallagher |
Keywords: “The Long Walk”, Art, clay, fry bread, hogan, Native Americans, Navajo, pottery, Pueblo, Southwest, textiles, tradition and culture, weaving |
Kimberly Sweeney |
Keywords: biographies, female characters, gender biases, gender stereotypes, inclusivity, non-binary, positive gender role models, transgender |
Theresa Lord |
Keywords: analytic, colonization, divergent worldviews, Holistic, indigenous/U.S. relations, Navajo, primary sources, Pueblo, secondary sources, thesis writing |
Anna Herman |
Keywords: asset-based community development, community based economic development, community gardens, environmental justice, foodsheds, gentrification, Geography, grassroots activism, land policy, land tenure, land use, mapping, neighborhood disinvestment, red-lining, story maps, urban agriculture, urban gardens, urban geography, Urban Planning, urban watersheds |
Alison Marzuoli |
Keywords: Choice Based Art Education, Ethnographic Study, high school art, Navajo Jewelry, Navajo Weaving, Pueblo Pottery, Southwest Native American Art, Southwest Native Americans |
Glenza E. Lowman |
Keywords: cancer, cells, Food, Health, healthy food |
Alima McKnight |
Keywords: appreciation, appropriation, Art, Blackfoot, Culture, design, hands-on, Indigenous, Native American, Navajo, pottery, Pueblo, symbols, teepees, textiles, weaving |
Charlette Walker |
Keywords: cancer biology, digital literacy, English Language Arts, HeLa cells, Henrietta Lacks, Research, Science, social studies, systemic medical racism, writing |