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All TIP Curriculum UnitsView by: Year | Seminar

Unit TitleAuthor


Exploring Our City Through Images, Poetry, and Music

Katherine Volin
Keywords: class, gender, Music, poetry, race

Roblox and the City: Exploring Race, Class, and Gender Through Digital Gaming

Robert Rivera-Amezola
Keywords: cities, class, digital citizens, digital games, digital literacy, elementary, gender, race, Technology

The Museum of Gold

Kristin Nakaishi
Keywords: economics, geology, gold, minerals, Sociology

Voting Rights and Black Electoral Power in the 21st Century

John Taylor-Baranik
Keywords: civic education, civil rights, dialogical pedagogy, inquiry-based learning, interdisciplinary curriculum, media literacy, student research, voting rights

How the Humanities and Social Sciences Address Today’s Political Divide

Alexander de Arana
Keywords: History, Humanities, identity politics, political divide, social sciences, social studies

Critical Interventions into the Single Story of Africa

Pearl Jonas
Keywords: Africa, African American History, Bias, Culture, Identity, Music, narrative, perspective, project-based, Single story, stereotypes, storytelling

Climate Crisis: a Storyline Exploration

Bijal Makadia
Keywords: climate crisis, renewable energy, Scottish Storyline Method

A Voice of My Own: Defining Epistemic Injustice in The House on Mango Street

Keeler Park
Keywords: book study, collaborative reading, Creative Writing, Culture, ethnicity, gender, igno-rance, immigrant experience, injustice, knowledge, lan-guage arts, literacy, philosophy, social class, social justice, society, The House on Mango Street, women empowerment, writing project

Representing our Blessings on Pottery Inspired by Southwestern Native American Art

Allison Aubry
Keywords: Art, blessings, clay tools, coil pot, motif, narrative, Native American, pinch pot, pottery, pottery wheel, Pueblo Pottery, secondary, slab, symbolism, symbols, well wishes

Using Poetry to Confront Neighborhood Representation and Gentrification

Sally O’Brien
Keywords: class, gender, gentrification, High School, intersectionality, landscape literacy, media analysis, metaphor, place-based learning, poetry, race

Form, Function and Symbolism: Art of The Pueblo Peoples

Kimberley Colasante
Keywords: Acoma, Ancestral Pueblo, Cochiti, Jason Garcia, Maria Martinez, Pueblo Pottery, Pueblo revolt, San Ildefonso Pueblo, Santa Clara Pueblo, Santa Domingo Pueblo, Taos, Tewa, Zuni

Living for the City: How Race, Class and Gender Impacts Philadelphia’s Future

Ryann Rouse
Keywords: education, Environmental Issues, gentrification, Healthcare, immigration, intersectionality, Philadelphia 2035, Photo Essay, Urban Planning, Wealth

The Navajo, the Pueblos and Me

Jennifer Gallagher
Keywords: “The Long Walk”, Art, clay, fry bread, hogan, Native Americans, Navajo, pottery, Pueblo, Southwest, textiles, tradition and culture, weaving

Gender Stereotypes in the Classroom

Kimberly Sweeney
Keywords: biographies, female characters, gender biases, gender stereotypes, inclusivity, non-binary, positive gender role models, transgender

Does Breaking It Down, Break It?: A look at holism’s effect on Euro/Indigenous Relations

Theresa Lord
Keywords: analytic, colonization, divergent worldviews, Holistic, indigenous/U.S. relations, Navajo, primary sources, Pueblo, secondary sources, thesis writing

The Power of Place – How Cities Connect People, Land & Resources

Anna Herman
Keywords: asset-based community development, community based economic development, community gardens, environmental justice, foodsheds, gentrification, Geography, grassroots activism, land policy, land tenure, land use, mapping, neighborhood disinvestment, red-lining, story maps, urban agriculture, urban gardens, urban geography, Urban Planning, urban watersheds

Honoring Ancestral Cultural Traditions and Finding Community in Contemporary Life through Art Making

Alison Marzuoli
Keywords: Choice Based Art Education, Ethnographic Study, high school art, Navajo Jewelry, Navajo Weaving, Pueblo Pottery, Southwest Native American Art, Southwest Native Americans


Glenza E. Lowman
Keywords: cancer, cells, Food, Health, healthy food

Tangible History: Engaging Students Through Art of Indigenous Cultures

Alima McKnight
Keywords: appreciation, appropriation, Art, Blackfoot, Culture, design, hands-on, Indigenous, Native American, Navajo, pottery, Pueblo, symbols, teepees, textiles, weaving

Henrietta Lacks, HeLa Cells, and Health Inequities: Making Student Research Relevant and Authentic

Charlette Walker
Keywords: cancer biology, digital literacy, English Language Arts, HeLa cells, Henrietta Lacks, Research, Science, social studies, systemic medical racism, writing