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All TIP Curriculum UnitsView by: Year | Seminar

Unit TitleAuthor


Agency Through Inquiry: A Quest for Social Justice

Ryann Rouse
Keywords: ecofeminism, ELA, English Language Arts, ethics, geomedicine, High School, philosophy, scientific justice, social justice, structural violence

Reading Philosophy in The Hate U Give

Amanda Schear
Keywords: Critical thinking, ELA activity, Making connections, Personal Identity, philosophy, Questioning, social justice

Philosophy and Literature Unit Plan

Kimberly Sweeney
Keywords: ELA activity, ethics, philosophy

“Who Am I? An Exploration of Personal Identity Through Philosophy and Literature”

Jessica Waber
Keywords: Critical thinking, Making connections, Morality, Personal Identity, philosophy, Questioning, social justice

Critical Thinkers Are World Changers

Charlette Walker
Keywords: Analyzing arguments, character development, Critical thinking, ELA activity, empowerment, ethical responsibility, ethics, Morality, Personal Identity, philosophical chairs, philosophy, social justice

Gearing Up for Prosthetics

Vicki Baker
Keywords: algebra, engineering design, linear equations, mathematics, medical robotics, movement, prosthetic, word problems

Humans, Robots & Machines: Simplifying The Lives of Our Community

Kelli Gallagher
Keywords: Healthcare, Machines, Mechanics, Robots, rube goldberg, Science, simple machines, STEM


A Round of Rhythms

Patricia Rich
Keywords: African culture, African history, Afro-Cuban, Artístas y Músicos Latino Americanos, Charlie Parker, claves, community building, Cuban son, digital media, Dizzy Gillespie, djembe, drum circle, ensemble, hand drums, improv, improvisation, Jazz, karaoke, Mariel boatlift, Music, music literacy, rhythm, Son Cubano, Spanish, Tabadul, Taller Puertorriqueño

Investigating Religious and Cultural Spending Trends

Catherine Michini
Keywords: cross, Culture, Social and cross-cultural skills, social studies, World religions

Mindfulness Mondays: Bite Size Strategies to Transform Your Classroom

Samuel A. Reed
Keywords: Creative Writing, Journalism, Personal Growth

Be the Hero of Your Journey

Terry Anne Wildman
Keywords: Creative Writing, History, Literature

Music and Math: Combining Forms and Formulas

Vicki Baker
Keywords: Math, Music, Music History

The Music of New Orleans and How It Shaped Its Culture

Chanelle Harley
Keywords: History, Reading, social studies, writing

Math is Music to My Ears

Caron D. Forman
Keywords: Math, Music

Minerals in Society

Cristobal Carambo
Keywords: Chemistry, geology, rock cycle

Volcano Folklore vs. Reality

Tia D. Larese
Keywords: Chemistry, earth sciences, geology, volcano

Music as Activism: Warrior’s Don’t Cry and Protest in the Civil Rights Movement

Renae Curless
Keywords: African American History, African American literature, Civil Rights Movement, integration, little rock, melba patillo beals, Music, poetry, racism, segregation

Life on Spinning Rocks

Maya Bhagat
Keywords: alien, astronomy, Earth Science, geology, planets

Creating Life!

Nicole Flores
Keywords: astronomy, Earth Science, Science, Space Science

The Truth Is Out There: Finding Exoplanets

Klint Kanopka
Keywords: Math, Physical Science, Science, Space Science