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American HistoryView by: Year | Seminar

Unit TitleAuthor


A Geographical Analysis of Sites of African American History in Philadelphia

Hannah Zieve
Keywords: African American History, anthropology, Geography, High School, project based learning, Research, social studies

Critical Interventions into the Single Story of Africa

Pearl Jonas
Keywords: Africa, African American History, Bias, Culture, Identity, Music, narrative, perspective, project-based, Single story, stereotypes, storytelling

Changing Technology for a Changing Climate: Knowledge is not always power, but power is rarely ignorant

Chloe Glynn
Keywords: climate change, critical minerals, environment, fossil fuels, geopolitics, green technology, greenhouse gases, hands-on experiments, power, renewable energy, social media

Weaving for Healing and Connection

Karen Rufino
Keywords: Diné, Hozhó, Native American, Navajo, reservation, Spider Woman, tribe, weabing

Telling Stories and Making Connections Through Clay

Katherine Steiner
Keywords: Art, clay, Indigenous Pottery, pottery, Pueblo, storytelling


Slavery: A Tough Lesson to Learn

Margo Pinckney-Wilson
Keywords: diversity, poetry, Slavery

Forging A Connection: Releasing the Bondage of Internalized Oppression through Quality Social Studies Instruction

Sondra W. Gonzalez
Keywords: abolitionist, internalized racism. vacant esteem. ever-present anger. racial socialization, Slavery

The Dis-Connection of Our Roots

Stephanie M. Robinson
Keywords: African American History, roots, Slavery

The Ongoing Black Freedom Struggle: Expanding the Single Story of the Civil Rights Movement

Pearl Jonas
Keywords: American History, Civil Rights Movement, film, History

Lasting Effects of Slavery

Victor M. Pomales Jr.
Keywords: African American History, film, Slavery, social studies


Rich or King “Founding” Fathers or Mothers’ Mythology

Samuel A. Reed, III
Keywords: American History, founding fathers, Humanities, king, mythology


Learning Through the Lens: How Hollywood Shapes the Way We View History

Andrea Ferentchak
Keywords: American History, Creative Writing, History activity, Media, Reading


Jazz as Black History: Teaching African American History Through Musicology

Matthew Menschner
Keywords: African American History, American History, Bebop, Grades 9-12, Jazz, Jazz History, Jazz Studies, Literature, Music History, Music Studies, Musicology, Swing Music, The Harlem Renaissance, The Jazz Age, World War II


The Haitian Revolution and Governor General Toussaint Louverture: A Biography

Keysiah M. Middleton
Keywords: High School, social studies


“Moving on Up”: The Causes and the Impact of the Great Migration on African Americans

Tonya R. Oniyama
Keywords: African American History, eleventh grade, inquiry-based learning, ninth grade, tenth grade, The Great Migration, world history

Why Isn’t Puerto Rico a State Yet?

Meagan C. Rubino
Keywords: American empire, American History, Empire, Puerto Rico


Native American Music and Living Legends

Cynthia Cozette Lee
Keywords: biographies, contemporary, crossover, History, Native American music, percussion instruments, traditional

The Seminole and African Collaboration: An Alliance for Survival

Keysiah M. Middleton
Keywords: Abraham, African American History, Alachua chief, American History, Andrew Jackson, Asi Yahola, Battle at Hatcheelustee Creek, Battle at Jupiter Inlet, Battle of Lockahatchee, Battle of Okeechobee, Battle of Wahoo Swamp, Ben Bruner, Black Seminoles, Coacoochee, Colonial Florida, Dade’s Massacre, Destruction of St. John’s Sugar Plantations, Duncan Clinch, Edmund P. Gaines, First Battle of Withlacoochee, Francis L. Dade, freedom fighters, Geechee, Gullah, History, John Caesar, John Horse, La Florida, Luis Fatio Pacheco, Micanopy, Micconuppe, Mikasuki, Native American History, Negro Fort Massacre, Osceola, runaway slaves, Second Battle of Withlacoochee, Seige of Camp Izard, Seminole maroons, Seminoles, St. Augustine, St. John Slave Revolt, Thomas Sidney Jesup, Tuskegee, Wild Cat, Zachary Taylor

Influencing Environmental Policy with Real Data

Meagan C. Rubino
Keywords: Energy Efficiency, Environmental Science, Government, History, legislation

Whispering Rivers: Whatever Happened to the Indians of Pennsylvania?

Pat Mitchell-Keita-Doe
Keywords: American History, Historical Context, History, Native American, Native American History, Native American issues, Native Americans, Pennsylvania History, Political Activism, Political thought, political unrest