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World History or White History?: Deconstructing Race in the World History Classroom

Keeler Park
Keywords: analysis, annotation, Critical Race Theory, criticality, DBQ, discussion, document-based questions, Equity, Geography, History, map reading, power, primary source, race, Slavery, social studies, society, Sociology, world history


Liberated Through Literacy: The African American Pursuit of Equity in Education

Charlette Walker
Keywords: anti-literacy laws, Black educators, Black history, courage, education, ELA, literacy, neo-slavery, Reading, resilience, Slavery, systemic racism

“Free To Be ME”

Charlene Jones
Keywords: abolitionist, bullying, by-stander, campaign, Middle School, Slavery, students, up-standers

Can the New Histories of Slavery Create Compassion In Youth

Donna Butler-Jones
Keywords: African American History, Black History month, Slavery

Welcome to America: Enslaved Diasporic and Indigenous People

Jeri Johnson, M.S. Ed., M.S. School Psychology
Keywords: Afircan American History, American History, indigenous people, Slavery

Slavery: A Tough Lesson to Learn

Margo Pinckney-Wilson
Keywords: diversity, poetry, Slavery

The Slavery Project: Why It All Matters

Nora Karasanyi
Keywords: “Negro Spirituals”, abolition, abolitionist, awakening, bondage, discrimination, emancipation, existence, freedom – spiritual, inequality, justice, kidnapping, memory book, monologue, oppression, physical, proclamation, racism, Reverse Underground Railroad, Slavery, subservient, suffrage, Underground Railroad

Forging A Connection: Releasing the Bondage of Internalized Oppression through Quality Social Studies Instruction

Sondra W. Gonzalez
Keywords: abolitionist, internalized racism. vacant esteem. ever-present anger. racial socialization, Slavery

The Dis-Connection of Our Roots

Stephanie M. Robinson
Keywords: African American History, roots, Slavery

Lasting Effects of Slavery

Victor M. Pomales Jr.
Keywords: African American History, film, Slavery, social studies


An Alien in the Cotton Fields: 47 by Walter Mosley

Joan Taylor
Keywords: cotton fields, Literature, Slavery, social realism, Walter Mosley


“Everybody But Me”: The Historical Implications of the Struggle for Civil Rights on Culture, Education, and Politics in the 21st Century

Erin Bloom
Keywords: African American History, civil rights, education, History, Politics, Slavery

From Slavery to Civil Rights: Get On the Bus with Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King, Jr.

Shelia Hawkins
Keywords: civil rights, Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, Slavery


Transition from Slavery – A Study of Reconstruction

Sandy O’Keefe
Keywords: American civil war, Civil War, Reconstruction, Slavery


Stop The Violence: Music is the Message

Regina Perrulli
Keywords: African American History, Music, rap, Slavery, violence


Propaganda, Its History and Techniques, and Its Use by Proslavery and Abolitionist Movements

Lisa Kelly
Keywords: abolitionists, History, proslavery, Slavery


Slavery in Philadelphia

Stephanie R. Wicks
Keywords: African Americans, Africans, Africans in Philadelphia, Fugitive Slave Laws, Gradual Abolition Act, History, Impact of Slavery, local, Slavery