Unit Title | Author |
Keeler Park |
Keywords: Art, conflict, Creative Writing, Culture, emotion, History, Literary Analysis, military, Military History, poetry, primary source, secondary source, social studies, social-emotional learning, war, world history |
Danina Garcia |
Keywords: Chan Buddhism, Chinese History, Meditation, mental health, Mindfulness, poetry, Trauma-Informed Instruction |
Emma Connolly |
Keywords: Creative Writing, fiction, Fifth-Grade, literacy, podcasts, poetry, upper elementary |
Matthew Fischetti |
Keywords: AP Spanish Language and Culture, Central America, children’s literature, discrimination, displacement, film, Honduras, IB Spanish, immigration, incarceration, Latin America, migration, militarized global apartheid, Morocco, Music, North Africa, poetry, Spain, Spanish, xenophobia |
Emma Steinheimer |
Keywords: Borders, Boundaries, children’s literature, Creative Writing, Critical Literacy, cultural identity, fiction, place-based learning, poetry, storytelling, Writing Workshop |
Katie Miller |
Keywords: cultural capital, English language, English language learners, Identity, Imagery, multilingual, Place, poetry |
Christina D'Emma |
Keywords: Antigone, Drama, drama strategies, effective speaking techniques, ghazal, Greek tragedy, immigration, Informational text, ode, one act play, pastiche, poetry, project based learning, Syrian refugees, U.S.-Mexico border, verse novel |
Lisa Yuk Kuen Yau |
Keywords: border crossings, daughter of immigrants, literary collage, national identity, poetry, spoken word, women immigrants, women refugees |
Meredith Seung Mee Buse |
Keywords: artists of color, Black artists, Black gaze, ekphrastic writing, empowerment, Frederick Douglass, personal narratives, poetry, portfolios, Portraiture, self-portraits, self-representation, visual vocabulary |
Katherine Volin |
Keywords: immigration, migration, poetry, travel |
Monica Rowley |
Keywords: African American, Black Poets, context, Creative Writing, form, function, language, literary devices, poetry, Women poets, women writers, Workshop |
Nicole Flores |
Keywords: 5th Grade ELA, activism, comprehension, Novel, poetry, Research, social justice |
Alla Dolderer |
Keywords: artwork., authentic sources, city, community, ESL, global, immigration, local, poetry, songs |
Emma Connolly |
Keywords: comprehension instruction, fluency instruction, identity development, Middle School, place-based learning, poetry, special education, writing instruction |
Katherine Volin |
Keywords: class, gender, Music, poetry, race |
Sally O’Brien |
Keywords: class, gender, gentrification, High School, intersectionality, landscape literacy, media analysis, metaphor, place-based learning, poetry, race |
Benjamin Perkins |
Keywords: Africa, business, Drum, Egypt, Harmony, improvisation, Keyboard, Melody, Music, Performance, Piano, poetry, rhythm, Technology, Umm Kulthum, voice |
Greg Probst |
Keywords: Art, artifacts, community, Creative Writing, Culture, English Language Arts, High School, Indigenous, individuality, louise erdrich, Native American, Navajo, neoindigenous, philly, poetry, Pueblo, society, south philadelphia, southwestern |
Sarah Vieldhouse |
Keywords: analysis, imagination, poetry, speculative poetry |
Margo Pinckney-Wilson |
Keywords: diversity, poetry, Slavery |