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WritingView by: Year | Seminar

Unit TitleAuthor


Daughters of Immigrants: Poetry, Spoken Word, and Collage Essays

Lisa Yuk Kuen Yau
Keywords: border crossings, daughter of immigrants, literary collage, national identity, poetry, spoken word, women immigrants, women refugees


W.E.B. Du Bois and the Making of Accordion Books, Data Portraits, and People Places

Lisa Yuk Kuen Yau
Keywords: 7th Ward, Accordion Books, Data Portraits, Data visualization, Placemaking, Social Epidemiology, The Philadelphia Negro, W.E.B. Du Bois


Gathering Clay: Community Poetry, Individual Grace, and the Limitations of Language

Greg Probst
Keywords: Art, artifacts, community, Creative Writing, Culture, English Language Arts, High School, Indigenous, individuality, louise erdrich, Native American, Navajo, neoindigenous, philly, poetry, Pueblo, society, south philadelphia, southwestern

Telling Stories and Making Connections Through Clay

Katherine Steiner
Keywords: Art, clay, Indigenous Pottery, pottery, Pueblo, storytelling


African American Hair, Freedom, and Civil Rights: Using Film, Media, and African American Hair Styles to Analyze Civil Rights

Aisha Al-Muid
Keywords: African American, cinema, civil rights, film, freedom, Hair, Media

Police Free City: Writing Emancipatory Visionary Fiction

Charlie McGeehan
Keywords: Black Lives Matter, dark fantastic cycle, fantasy, fiction, Literature, Reading, science fiction, social studies, the Hunger Games, writing

The Slavery Project: Why It All Matters

Nora Karasanyi
Keywords: “Negro Spirituals”, abolition, abolitionist, awakening, bondage, discrimination, emancipation, existence, freedom – spiritual, inequality, justice, kidnapping, memory book, monologue, oppression, physical, proclamation, racism, Reverse Underground Railroad, Slavery, subservient, suffrage, Underground Railroad

Forging A Connection: Releasing the Bondage of Internalized Oppression through Quality Social Studies Instruction

Sondra W. Gonzalez
Keywords: abolitionist, internalized racism. vacant esteem. ever-present anger. racial socialization, Slavery


This is the Story of a River

Chelsea Trainor
Keywords: environment, interdisciplinary, reading skills, self contained, writing skills

Poets Imagining the City

Sally O’Brien
Keywords: imagination, Literature, O'hara, poetry, Whitman, writing prompts

Borders and Doorways: Using Poetry of Constraint to Explore Boundaries and Possibilities

Sophia Renda
Keywords: English, History, poetry, us history

I Am UnBroken: Deconstructing Modern American Poetry to Promote Self-Actualization For English Language Learners

Lisa (Yuk Kuen) Yau
Keywords: American poetry, Emily Dickinson, poetry, Walt Whitman

Critical Thinking in Elementary School English Language Arts

Karen Detlefsen, Terry-Anne Wildman, Eliezer Gottlieb, Geralyn McGinty, Kimberly Gallagher, Kireema Sprowal, Lisa Yau, Melissa Green, Peggy Savage, Stephen Esser, Allauren Forbes
Keywords: Critical thinking, ELA, elementary, English


Everyone’s a Critic: Asking Meaningful Research Questions through Film

Keeler Park
Keywords: Cinematography, Creative Writing, developing research questions, Entertainment industry, essay, film, film in the classroom, Media, outline, Pop culture, public speaking, Reading, Research, research project, student choice, writing

Philosophy and Literature Unit Plan

Kimberly Sweeney
Keywords: ELA activity, ethics, philosophy

“Who Am I? An Exploration of Personal Identity Through Philosophy and Literature”

Jessica Waber
Keywords: Critical thinking, Making connections, Morality, Personal Identity, philosophy, Questioning, social justice

Critical Thinkers Are World Changers

Charlette Walker
Keywords: Analyzing arguments, character development, Critical thinking, ELA activity, empowerment, ethical responsibility, ethics, Morality, Personal Identity, philosophical chairs, philosophy, social justice


Creating Life!

Nicole Flores
Keywords: astronomy, Earth Science, Science, Space Science

The Music of New Orleans and How It Shaped Its Culture

Chanelle Harley
Keywords: History, Reading, social studies, writing


A Brave New World?

Nicole Flores
Keywords: literacy, literacy skills, Parable of the Sower, Reading, science fiction, The Giver