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All TIP Curriculum UnitsView by: Year | Seminar

Unit TitleAuthor


Living a Values Driven Life

Regina Hastings
Keywords: ELA, Movie Analysis, Novel Analysis, Self Improvement, social justice, values, vocabulary

The Power of Innovation in Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources

Anna Herman
Keywords: agriculture history, agriculture technology, farming, farming technology, food production, food technology, innovation, iteration, urban agriculture

Educating for Democracy TIP Seminar 2022: The 14th Amendment And Persons With Disabilities, What Students Should Know

Peggy Marie Savage
Keywords: Disabilities; Fourteenth Amendment; equal protection; Individuals with Disabilities Education Act; Americans with Disabilities Act; IEP; LRE

Don Quixote, the Impossible Dream, and the American Street Empowerment Zone

Jenifer Félix
Keywords: Bilingual, Don Quijote, Don Quixote, Emigration, Empowerment Zones, Kensington, Monuments and Statues, Philadelphia Geography, Philadelphia history, Representation, Spanish as a Heritage Language, Spanish as a Native Language

What’s In Our Water?!

Cea Fortarezzo

Our Forests and Climate Change

Kawalpreet K Aneja
Keywords: Agarikon, climate change, Forest Bathing, Forests, photosynthesis, Respiration


Using CAR T-cells as an Effective Tool Against Blood Cancers

Peg Harley
Keywords: blood cancer, body systems, breakthrough, cancer cells, CAR T cells, immune system, immunotherapy, life science, T-cells

Breast Cancer: An Exponential Process

Vicki Baker
Keywords: Algebra 2, Breast cancer, cancer, Elementary Functions, exponential functions, logarithmic functions, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia

Tracing Our Steps, Mapping Our Journeys

Erica Darken
Keywords: cities, elementary, Geography, journey, Workshop

Mapping it Out!

Nicole Flores
Keywords: 3-D Map, History, maps, Maps Skills, Neighborhoods, Reading, research skills, social studies

Using Wind for Improving the Future of Sustainable Energy

Cassandra Mae Jordan
Keywords: and Wind Turbines., Elementary Science, Eolic Energy, renewable energy, Renewable Energy Experiments, Science Lesson Plans, Wind Energy Experiments

Wicked Problems, Place, and Liberation

Charlie McGeehan
Keywords: cities, Kensington, Philadelphia, social justice, Wicked Problem

What Happens After the Water Leaves the Sky?

Aisha Kittrell
Keywords: hydrologic cycle, run-off, storm drain, stormwater, the water cycle, water filtration, water pollution, water quality

Cancer in the Classroom: A Case Study Analysis

Lisa Franchetti
Keywords: Biology, cancer, cell cycle, life science, mutations

The Power of Environmental Monitoring

Anna Herman
Keywords: air quality, environmental advocacy, environmental justice, environmental monitoring, green stormwater infrastructure, lead, soil contamination, soil health, urban gardening, water quality, youth environmental justice

Environmental Health in the Classroom

Kimberly Sweeney
Keywords: conservation, contamination, plastic pollution, water cycle, water pollution

Humans and the Environment: How Water Pollution and Littering Affect Health

Chelsea Maher
Keywords: engineering, environment, Health, littering, pollution, urban, water, waterways, world

Freshwater In Our World: Philadelphia’s Freshwater Supply and the Role We Each Play in its Future

Phyllis Hurwitz
Keywords: climate change, distribution of water, hydrologic cycle, impermeable sources, philadelphia middle school science, urban watershed, water, water pollution

Delicious and Nutritious Chemicals: A unit for engaging 10th grade Chemistry students in the study of biological molecules

Kathleen Tsai
Keywords: chemicals, Chemistry, fruit flies, lipids, proteins

A Geographical Analysis of Sites of African American History in Philadelphia

Hannah Zieve
Keywords: African American History, anthropology, Geography, High School, project based learning, Research, social studies