Unit Title | Author |
Regina Hastings |
Keywords: ELA, Movie Analysis, Novel Analysis, Self Improvement, social justice, values, vocabulary |
Anna Herman |
Keywords: agriculture history, agriculture technology, farming, farming technology, food production, food technology, innovation, iteration, urban agriculture |
Peggy Marie Savage |
Keywords: Disabilities; Fourteenth Amendment; equal protection; Individuals with Disabilities Education Act; Americans with Disabilities Act; IEP; LRE |
Jenifer Félix |
Keywords: Bilingual, Don Quijote, Don Quixote, Emigration, Empowerment Zones, Kensington, Monuments and Statues, Philadelphia Geography, Philadelphia history, Representation, Spanish as a Heritage Language, Spanish as a Native Language |
Cea Fortarezzo |
Kawalpreet K Aneja |
Keywords: Agarikon, climate change, Forest Bathing, Forests, photosynthesis, Respiration |
Peg Harley |
Keywords: blood cancer, body systems, breakthrough, cancer cells, CAR T cells, immune system, immunotherapy, life science, T-cells |
Vicki Baker |
Keywords: Algebra 2, Breast cancer, cancer, Elementary Functions, exponential functions, logarithmic functions, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia |
Erica Darken |
Keywords: cities, elementary, Geography, journey, Workshop |
Nicole Flores |
Keywords: 3-D Map, History, maps, Maps Skills, Neighborhoods, Reading, research skills, social studies |
Cassandra Mae Jordan |
Keywords: and Wind Turbines., Elementary Science, Eolic Energy, renewable energy, Renewable Energy Experiments, Science Lesson Plans, Wind Energy Experiments |
Charlie McGeehan |
Keywords: cities, Kensington, Philadelphia, social justice, Wicked Problem |
Aisha Kittrell |
Keywords: hydrologic cycle, run-off, storm drain, stormwater, the water cycle, water filtration, water pollution, water quality |
Lisa Franchetti |
Keywords: Biology, cancer, cell cycle, life science, mutations |
Anna Herman |
Keywords: air quality, environmental advocacy, environmental justice, environmental monitoring, green stormwater infrastructure, lead, soil contamination, soil health, urban gardening, water quality, youth environmental justice |
Kimberly Sweeney |
Keywords: conservation, contamination, plastic pollution, water cycle, water pollution |
Chelsea Maher |
Keywords: engineering, environment, Health, littering, pollution, urban, water, waterways, world |
Phyllis Hurwitz |
Keywords: climate change, distribution of water, hydrologic cycle, impermeable sources, philadelphia middle school science, urban watershed, water, water pollution |
Kathleen Tsai |
Keywords: chemicals, Chemistry, fruit flies, lipids, proteins |
Hannah Zieve |
Keywords: African American History, anthropology, Geography, High School, project based learning, Research, social studies |