Unit Title | Author |
Emma Steinheimer |
Keywords: Borders, Boundaries, children’s literature, Creative Writing, Critical Literacy, cultural identity, fiction, place-based learning, poetry, storytelling, Writing Workshop |
Jeannette Moon |
Keywords: Du Bois, Genre Analysis, Hansberry, Home, mapping, maps, Raisin in the Sun, Seventh Ward, storytelling, survey, Wayward Lives |
Ryann Rouse |
Keywords: Citing Evidence, collaborative discussion, ELA, Humanities, KWLQ charts, language, Literary Analysis, M.E.A.L. paragraphs, memoir, Memoir Writing, Reader Response Journals, Reading Circles, storytelling |
Pearl Jonas |
Keywords: Africa, African American History, Bias, Culture, Identity, Music, narrative, perspective, project-based, Single story, stereotypes, storytelling |
Carrie Ochs Toledo |
Keywords: 5th grade, democratic classroom, diversity, ELA, Els, epistemic injustice, multicultural, storytelling |
Katherine Steiner |
Keywords: Art, clay, Indigenous Pottery, pottery, Pueblo, storytelling |
Gina Dukes |
Keywords: dark fantastic, freedom, hope, storytelling |
Peggy Marie Savage |
Keywords: speculative fiction, storytelling, the dark fantastic |
Valerie Adams |
Keywords: Critical thinking, Drama, ELA, fables, folktales, frame story, frame tale, Middle East, multi-intelligence, narrative, pair, Personal Identity, poetry, Reading, share, short stories, South Asia, storytelling, think, writing |
Cher Baylor |
Keywords: Culture, fairy tales, social studies, storytelling |
Paul Dale |
Keywords: reading comprehension, storytelling, vocabulary |
Tia D. Larese |
Keywords: folktales, Geography, stories, storytelling |
Patricia Rich |
Keywords: Asian literature, Foreign Language, language acquisition, storytelling |
Gabrielle Tompkins |
Keywords: folktales, latin culture, legends, storytelling, urban myths |
Katherine Volin |
Keywords: cultures, folktales, Reading, storytelling, writing |
Julie Mikolajewski |
Keywords: consumption approach, History, Holocaust, literacy, Literature, storytelling |
Lynn Gourinski Fahr |
Keywords: Civil War, storytelling, The Great Migration |
Bonnee Breese |
Keywords: African people, cross-cultural understanding, cultural and historical backgrounds, discover and explore, dismantle stigmas and stereotypes, English Language Arts, oral storytelling, Overbrook neighborhoods of West Philadelphia, storytelling, written storytelling |
Kelly Graham |
Keywords: African American History, American History, elementary school, human experience, quilt, Quilt Lore, quilting, stories and designs, storytelling |
Stephanie R. Wicks |
Keywords: African American History, African immigrants in Philadelphia, English, ethnography, historical research, historiography, learn content through oral history, learning history, love of history, love of learning, oral history project, story time, storytelling |