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Unit TitleAuthor


Boundaries, Borders, and Sliding Glass Doors: Where do we come from, and where are we going?

Emma Steinheimer
Keywords: Borders, Boundaries, children’s literature, Creative Writing, Critical Literacy, cultural identity, fiction, place-based learning, poetry, storytelling, Writing Workshop


What is Home?

Jeannette Moon
Keywords: Du Bois, Genre Analysis, Hansberry, Home, mapping, maps, Raisin in the Sun, Seventh Ward, storytelling, survey, Wayward Lives


Language, Memory and Bearing Witness: Morrison as Muse for Modern Musings

Ryann Rouse
Keywords: Citing Evidence, collaborative discussion, ELA, Humanities, KWLQ charts, language, Literary Analysis, M.E.A.L. paragraphs, memoir, Memoir Writing, Reader Response Journals, Reading Circles, storytelling


Critical Interventions into the Single Story of Africa

Pearl Jonas
Keywords: Africa, African American History, Bias, Culture, Identity, Music, narrative, perspective, project-based, Single story, stereotypes, storytelling

All Voices Heard–Supporting the Multicultural Classroom

Carrie Ochs Toledo
Keywords: 5th grade, democratic classroom, diversity, ELA, Els, epistemic injustice, multicultural, storytelling

Telling Stories and Making Connections Through Clay

Katherine Steiner
Keywords: Art, clay, Indigenous Pottery, pottery, Pueblo, storytelling


Storytelling for Freedom: How Black speculative stories can give us hope for a better future

Gina Dukes
Keywords: dark fantastic, freedom, hope, storytelling

Speculative Fiction: Using an Ethnic and Cultural Lens for Story Telling

Peggy Marie Savage
Keywords: speculative fiction, storytelling, the dark fantastic


Dawning of A Sunrise

Valerie Adams
Keywords: Critical thinking, Drama, ELA, fables, folktales, frame story, frame tale, Middle East, multi-intelligence, narrative, pair, Personal Identity, poetry, Reading, share, short stories, South Asia, storytelling, think, writing

Exploring Culture and Storytelling with Fairy Tales

Cher Baylor
Keywords: Culture, fairy tales, social studies, storytelling

The Hero’s Journey in The Conference of the Birds and The Name Jar

Paul Dale
Keywords: reading comprehension, storytelling, vocabulary

Digital Passport: Exploring geography through folktales and digital storytelling

Tia D. Larese
Keywords: folktales, Geography, stories, storytelling

Storytelling for Language Acquisition

Patricia Rich
Keywords: Asian literature, Foreign Language, language acquisition, storytelling

Legends, Folktales and Urban Myths in Latinx Cultures

Gabrielle Tompkins
Keywords: folktales, latin culture, legends, storytelling, urban myths

Celebrating Cultures of the World Through Reading and Writing Folktales

Katherine Volin
Keywords: cultures, folktales, Reading, storytelling, writing


Getting Stuck in the Telling: The Dichotomous Nature of Urgent Tales Analyzing and Crafting Accounts that Bear Witness

Julie Mikolajewski
Keywords: consumption approach, History, Holocaust, literacy, Literature, storytelling


What’s That You Say Neighbor?

Lynn Gourinski Fahr
Keywords: Civil War, storytelling, The Great Migration


Love to Tell the Story: West African Expressions Come to West Philadelphia

Bonnee Breese
Keywords: African people, cross-cultural understanding, cultural and historical backgrounds, discover and explore, dismantle stigmas and stereotypes, English Language Arts, oral storytelling, Overbrook neighborhoods of West Philadelphia, storytelling, written storytelling

Sew Me a Story: African and African American “Quilt Lore”

Kelly Graham
Keywords: African American History, American History, elementary school, human experience, quilt, Quilt Lore, quilting, stories and designs, storytelling

Philadelphia Stories: African Transitions from West Africa to Philadelphia as a Means to Study Oral Histories

Stephanie R. Wicks
Keywords: African American History, African immigrants in Philadelphia, English, ethnography, historical research, historiography, learn content through oral history, learning history, love of history, love of learning, oral history project, story time, storytelling