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HistoryView by: Year | Seminar

Unit TitleAuthor


A Geographical Analysis of Sites of African American History in Philadelphia

Hannah Zieve
Keywords: African American History, anthropology, Geography, High School, project based learning, Research, social studies

West African Jelis/Griots Old and New

Aisha Al-Muid
Keywords: Geography, Mali, Nigeria, West Africa, West AFrican empires

How the Humanities and Social Sciences Address Today’s Political Divide

Alexander de Arana
Keywords: History, Humanities, identity politics, political divide, social sciences, social studies

Power and the Past: A Philosophical Approach to Historiography

Matthew Menschner
Keywords: Epistemology, Historical Thinking Skills, historiography, History, philosophy, social studies

Where Does Our Water Come From?

David White
Keywords: water, water cycle, water filtration, water pollution, Watershed

Critical Metals and Their Real-World Applications

Ariel Coff
Keywords: earth metals, mining, periodic table

Changing Technology for a Changing Climate: Knowledge is not always power, but power is rarely ignorant

Chloe Glynn
Keywords: climate change, critical minerals, environment, fossil fuels, geopolitics, green technology, greenhouse gases, hands-on experiments, power, renewable energy, social media

Representing our Blessings on Pottery Inspired by Southwestern Native American Art

Allison Aubry
Keywords: Art, blessings, clay tools, coil pot, motif, narrative, Native American, pinch pot, pottery, pottery wheel, Pueblo Pottery, secondary, slab, symbolism, symbols, well wishes

The Navajo, the Pueblos and Me

Jennifer Gallagher
Keywords: “The Long Walk”, Art, clay, fry bread, hogan, Native Americans, Navajo, pottery, Pueblo, Southwest, textiles, tradition and culture, weaving

Does Breaking It Down, Break It?: A look at holism’s effect on Euro/Indigenous Relations

Theresa Lord
Keywords: analytic, colonization, divergent worldviews, Holistic, indigenous/U.S. relations, Navajo, primary sources, Pueblo, secondary sources, thesis writing

Tangible History: Engaging Students Through Art of Indigenous Cultures

Alima McKnight
Keywords: appreciation, appropriation, Art, Blackfoot, Culture, design, hands-on, Indigenous, Native American, Navajo, pottery, Pueblo, symbols, teepees, textiles, weaving

Gathering Clay: Community Poetry, Individual Grace, and the Limitations of Language

Greg Probst
Keywords: Art, artifacts, community, Creative Writing, Culture, English Language Arts, High School, Indigenous, individuality, louise erdrich, Native American, Navajo, neoindigenous, philly, poetry, Pueblo, society, south philadelphia, southwestern

Weaving for Healing and Connection

Karen Rufino
Keywords: Diné, Hozhó, Native American, Navajo, reservation, Spider Woman, tribe, weabing

Telling Stories and Making Connections Through Clay

Katherine Steiner
Keywords: Art, clay, Indigenous Pottery, pottery, Pueblo, storytelling


A History of Philadelphia: Redlining and the Founding Ideals of Democracy

Alexander de Arana
Keywords: democracy, History, Philadelphia, social science

Heritage or Renewal: The Impacts of Gentrification

Matthew Menschner
Keywords: gentrification, heritage, local history, Philadelphia Neighborhoods

Welcome to America: Enslaved Diasporic and Indigenous People

Jeri Johnson, M.S. Ed., M.S. School Psychology
Keywords: Afircan American History, American History, indigenous people, Slavery

Slavery: A Tough Lesson to Learn

Margo Pinckney-Wilson
Keywords: diversity, poetry, Slavery

Forging A Connection: Releasing the Bondage of Internalized Oppression through Quality Social Studies Instruction

Sondra W. Gonzalez
Keywords: abolitionist, internalized racism. vacant esteem. ever-present anger. racial socialization, Slavery

The Dis-Connection of Our Roots

Stephanie M. Robinson
Keywords: African American History, roots, Slavery