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More than Taking an Order: The Importance of Skill Development in Employment through the Lens of the Fast Food Industry for Students in a Life Skills Setting

Author: Erin Smith Feerick


Kensington CAPA High School

Year: 2019

Seminar: Learning about America and the World from McDonald’s

Grade Level: 9-12

Keywords: employment, fast food, life skills, McDonalds, skill development, special education

School Subject(s): Special Education

This unit seeks to engage students in a high school life skills classroom with the skills necessary to attain and maintain jobs related to the fast food industry. The service industry is a steadily increasing job sector for high school students. A simple google search can lead to upwards of 3,000 open positions in fast food in one zip code alone.  Many of these students have the desire to work in the realm of fast food, but are unaware that working at McDonald’s requires more skills than asking the question, “Would you like fries with that?” Through this semester long unit students will experience the day to day job requirements of McDonald’s and other fast food employees through, videos, ethnography, interviews and simulated job experiences. Culminating their experiences in a short power point presentation to their peers about the myths, realities of working in the fast food industry.  This unit will be geared toward students in a high school life skills classroom and will extend over a ten-week period with each lesson being approximately 90 minutes in length once per week. Through this unit students will engage in the real life and simulated situations based around the social or soft skills needed to gain and maintain meaningful employment in various aspects of the food industry. Lessons will be aligned with both the PA common core and the individual transition goals as stated in each students Individualized Education Plan (IEP).

Download Unit: Smith-E.-.pdf

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Full Unit Text
Content Objectives

The following Pennsylvania Spanish Standards and the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages [ACTFL] will provide guidelines for focus of goals:

Pennsylvania Academic Spanish Standards

12.1 Communication in a Target Language

12.1.B             Know common vocabulary, forms and structures used in basic speaking and writing.

12.1.B.1          Speak common and write vocabulary, phrases and structures during activities with the teacher and classmates.

12.1.B.1.a        Greetings, farewells and courtesy expressions (S-1.M)

12.1.B.1.d       Daily life skills (S-3.A)

12.1.E.1           Find words in magazines, commercials and advertisements influenced by the target language.

                        12.5  World Languages in the Community


12.5.A.1.a       Face to face interaction
Greeting people and saying goodbye (S-1.M)
Listen and choose the appropriate response to basic questions (S-1.Q)

12.5.A.1.c       Audio and video tapes


12.6 Classical World Languages in the Community

12.6.A.1          Know where in the local and regional community knowledge of classical language and culture is useful.

12.6.B.1.c        Latin as the basis of two-thirds of English vocabulary


ACTFL World Standards


Communication in Languages Other than English

Standard 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.

Standard 1.2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics.

Standard 1.3: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.


Connect with Other Disciplines and Acquire Information

Standard 3.1  Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through foreign language.


Participate in Multilingual Communities at Home & Around the World

Standard 5.1: Students use language both within and beyond school setting



YouTube videos in Spanish:  These YouTube commercials serve as models for what teachers may expect as a final product. Over the course of the unit, students will view different videos to help them with the composition of their own videos. Students will view these TV commercials in class. This will provide them with a visual of what they will need to demonstrate, later, in their understanding and interpretation of Spanish, to their classmates. They will have They will create brief lessons using and teaching Spanish to their classmates, thus reinforcing their own language acquisition of Spanish. They will achieve this by producing a YouTube video, on their own.


Suggested sites for students to following steps to create a video:

*Students are already very adept at creating videos on their own.


Teacher introduces the unit by telling the students that this unit is going to be about learning how to speak and practice Spanish in more useful and practical ways. First, they are going to practice Spanish by role playing at a McDonald’s restaurant, buying at their local Papi store, and ordering at a restaurant. This will also be useful later for when they take their field trip to an actual restaurant to practice their Spanish by ordering in Spanish. This is the basis for which the video will be produced.

Teacher then explains that students will view different videos about McDonald’s. The idea of doing this is to expose them to different videos about McDonald’s and provide them with examples. [Assign homework for students to find their favorite McDonald’s commercials, and share in class the next day.]

Teacher will then inform students that at the end of this unit, they will be responsible for producing a 3-5 minute video to showcase and teach their fellow classmates how to speak Spanish by doing one of these:

  • order a McDonald’s breakfast, and drink
  • buy an item at a Papi Store
  • work at a McDonald’s taking an order

Teacher checks for understanding of the goal by asking students to explain the task to another student, who may or may not understand.

Show video: a day at my first job (McDonald’s)”

Tyler Oakley returns to a McDonald’s back home in Michigan where he once, a decade earlier, worked as a crew team member , and loved it!

Teaching Strategies

Students with complex special needs learn best through doing tasks. For this reason, all lessons in this unit will be rooted in the Quality Teaching for English Learners (QTEL) vision.  While this vision is most often used in association with English language learners, this approach also works extremely well with students with special needs who often struggle in traditionally taught general education classrooms. QTEL is best described as working to provide educators with tools they need to accelerate language development, academic literacy, and disciplinary knowledge. These strategies can be best described as a three act lesson in which students are:


  1. Introduced to the lesson through a series of open ended exploration based questions and tasks with no right or wrong answers developed to promote higher level thinking and questioning in a safe learning environment. Examples of activities students will use to become acquainted with material are:
    1. Think, Pair, Share
    2. Novel Ideas
    3. Round Robin Sharing
    4. Brain Dump
  2. Given interactive tasks in which they engage more deeply with the concept through real world application and materials through conversation and exploration. Some examples of interactive tasks students will be using are:
    1. Sort and Label
    2. Read with a Focus
    3. Carousel
    4. Sort and Match
    5. Jigsaw
    6. Interview
    7. Observation
    8. Job Shadowing
    9. Informal Observations
  3. Encouraged to expand their learning by becoming the lead learners within the lesson and sharing what they have discovered concretely with the rest of their classmates. Some of the ways students will share their learnings are:
    1. Final Product
    2. Collaborative Poster
    3. Power Point Presentation
    4. Mock Interviews
    5. Ethnographies

PA Common Core Standards

The standards describe what students should know and be able to do with the English language, prekindergarten through Grade 12. The standards provide the targets for instruction and student learning essential for success in all academic areas, not just language arts classrooms.  The standards most commonly used throughout this lesson are listed below:


ELA Standards

  • CC.1.4.11–12.L Demonstrate a grade-appropriate command of the conventions of standard English grammar, usage, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.


  • CC.1.4.11–12.X Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences.


  • CC.1.5.11–12.A Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions on grade-level topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.


Math Standards

  • 2.1.5.B.1 Apply place-value concepts to show an understanding of operations and rounding as they pertain to whole numbers and decimals.
  • 2.1.5.B.2 Extend an understanding of operations with whole numbers to perform operations including decimals.
  • 2.2.5.A.4 Analyze patterns and relationships using two rules.

Classroom Activities

The three sample lesson plans that follow with depicted activities represent the

beginning, middle and end of the unit with students completing additional activities and lessons to supplement between lessons connecting working in the fast food industry with required life and vocational skills.


Name: Smith

Kensington CAPA High School

School District of Philadelphia

Class: Life Skills Support  – 90 min block
Topic Applying for a Job in Fast Food- Week 2 of 10 in McDonald’s Transition Unit
Standards & Objectives:  

By the conclusion of this lesson students will be able to

·       Communicate verbally and in writing their intention to work at a specific job location

·       Locate needed information within a job application

·       Complete a sample job application for McDonald’s

·       Create a resume highlighting strengths and interests


PA Common Core Standards in Reading, Writing and Mathematics

·       CC.1.4.11–12.L Demonstrate a grade-appropriate command of the conventions of standard English grammar, usage, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling


·       CC.1.4.11–12.X Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences.


·       CC.1.5.11–12.A Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions on grade-level topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.


IDEA Indicator 13- Vocational Training

·       Aligned to the class wide transition goal by the end of a 10 week semester, given explicit instruction and practice on work place expectations and job skills in the classroom and a community setting, students will demonstrate appropriate work place skills and interactions with peers during community based instruction and in the classroom with individual percentages aligned to each individual students


Daily Activities


Prepare Task (15 Mins.):









Interacting Task (55 Mins):

























Extending Task (20Mins):






Think, Pair, Share

Think: Given a visual on the SMART board students will individually think and list in their notebooks the different jobs/task that they see in the photo.

Pair: With a partner (groups no larger than 3) students will circle the words indicating any similar jobs/task that they noticed

Share: As a pair students will share aloud verbally with the class what they have written in a quick whip around fashion

Sort and Label (15 min) – given teacher made cards of job task found in a McDonald’s. Students will sort the jobs into self-chosen categories.  Student will list categories and tasks on chart paper.

Carousel (10 min) – Students will rotate around the room clockwise discussing with their partners the similarities and differences between their charts and the charts of their classmates.

Reading with a Focus (25 min)- in groups of no more than four, students will read the attached (teacher made) job application for McDonald’s three times:

Reading 1- silently for clarity

Reading 2- as a group each member reading his/her assigned part

Reading 3- gathering important information on the attached chart that will need to be provided

Completion of the Job Application – working with an elbow- partner students will accurately complete the provided job application


Completion of Resume- students will complete their own resume using the provided template as a resource to highlight their strengths and weaknesses for a job at McDonald’s as reflected in this lesson and the previous lesson on strengths and weaknesses

Students will complete an internet or community based job search. Bringing in one artifact to present and share next class meeting.

Resources/materials and supplies ·       SMART boards

·       picture of McDonald’s scenario

·       student notebooks

·       pen/pencil

·       job task cards

·       chart paper

·       markers

·       teacher made McDonald’s application

·       teacher made resume template

Reference to Textbooks and Curriculum Guides QTEL approach to lesson planning and engagement used to accelerate language development, academic literacy, and disciplinary knowledge of all students.












(Sample Job/Task Cards)














Drive Through Operator






Happy Meal Designer


Meat Packer


Party Planner


Taste Tester




Truck Driver


Part Time


Full Time




(Sample of McDonald’s Application Modified Template)


First Name Last Name
Email Address Phone Number
Have you worked for McDonald’s before      Y/N Are you over 18     



Times Available to work  



Weekdays Weekends


Weekdays Weekends





Middle School Name


High School






            People who know how hard I can work

Person’s Name How I know them Phone Number Email Address














I declare that the information contained in this application is correct to the best of my knowledge and understand that any omission or incorrect information is just cause for the rejection of my application or dismissal in accordance with the Company policy. If hired, I understand that I may be transferred to another restaurant because of promotions, training or staffing requirements. I also agree that, at all times, I will follow the rules and regulations of the Company. I authorize the Company, or its agents, to verify the information provided, and to obtain any other information relevant to this application. This information may be obtained by telephone or in writing from educational institutions, my current or former employers, financial institutions, personal information agents and my personal references. This consent is valid during the consideration of my application for employment, and if I am hired, for the duration of my employment.   (This is directly from a McDonald’s Job Application found online in June of 2019).


Signature:  __________________________________________


Date: _______________________



(Sample of resume template)

My Resume

Phone Number  
Email Address  
House Address

City, State, Zip Code

Birthdate(Month, Day, Year)  


Goals for the Year

Job Goal  
School Goal  



Elementary School  
Middle School  
High School  
The subjects I like best are:






The Subjects I like least are:








Outside of school I am good at …





Inside of school I am really good at …





I need to work on …







            People who know how hard I can work

Person’s Name How I know them Phone Number Email Address











Name: Smith

Kensington CAPA High School

School District of Philadelphia

Class: Life Skills Support  – 90 min block
Topic Cashier Math – using money to make change- Week 4 of 10 in McDonald’s Transition Unit
Standards & Objectives: Objectives

By the conclusion of this lesson students will be able to

·       use real world word problems to identify what the customers is requesting

·       use real world word problems to provide proper change to a customer

PA Common Core Standards in Reading, Writing and Mathematics

·       CC.2.1.5.B.1 Apply place-value concepts to show an understanding of operations and rounding as they pertain to whole numbers and decimals.

·       CC.2.1.5.B.2 Extend an understanding of operations with whole numbers to perform operations including decimals.

·       CC.2.2.5.A.4 Analyze patterns and relationships using two rules.

IDEA Indicator 13- Vocational Training

  • Aligned to the class wide transition goal by the end of a 10 week semester, given explicit instruction and practice on work place expectations and job skills in the classroom and a community setting, students will demonstrate appropriate work place skills and interactions with peers during community based instruction and in the classroom with individual percentages aligned to each individual students.


Daily Activities


Prepare Task (15 Mins.):














Interacting Task (40 Mins):














Extending Task (15















Novel idea:  In groups of 4 students will label their notebooks from 1-8 and complete the statement:

When I think of a cash register I think of (10 min)

1.     Money

2.     Change

3.     Shopping

4.     Etcetera

5.     –

6.     –

7.     –

8.     –

Student groups will then stand and share their ideas one by crossing off ideas that were already given.  Once a group has given their novel ideas they will all sit down. (5min)

Sort and Match (15 min) Given teacher made cards containing math stories about making change and correct numeric answers in different representations of money. Students will sort and match each scenario to its corresponding correct answer. Students will share within their groups why they choose to match the two cards. If needed, students will share matched pairs in a round robin fashion.

Jigsaw (25min) Students will be assigned two groups a home group and an expert group.  Students will be completing cashier math problems of varying levels with their expert group and return to their home groups to share their learnings and findings.

Collaborative Poster: Given a scenario, students will create a story using addition and subtraction based on working a cash register at McDonald’s and solve the problem. The collaborative poster should include:

·       A story problem

·       A visual display of the steps to the solution

·       A math problem

·       A title

·       All students names

* each student will be assigned one color marker and demonstrate group participation by using only their assigned color on the chart paper *

Students will complete three sample story problems about cashier math.

Resources/materials and supplies ·       Student Notebooks

·       Pens/pencils

·       Calculators

·       Sort and Match Cards (one set per group)

·       Teacher Created Story Problem Worksheets (one per group)

·       Jigsaw Graphic Organizer (one per student)

·       Chart paper

·       Markers (4 colors for each group)

·       Homework Sheets (copy for each students)

Reference to Textbooks and Curriculum Guides QTEL approach to lesson planning and engagement used to accelerate language development, academic literacy, and disciplinary knowledge of all students.



Sample Sort and Match Cards

Cards will be cut out and placed in an envelope in random order

After buying some pencils for $64.05,

Ronald has $4.17 left. How much money did

Ronald have to begin with?


Ronald gives $2.65 to Bridget. If Ronald

started with $90.00, how much money does

he has left?



$64.05 + $4.17 = $68.22


$90.00 – $2.65 = $87.35


Anthony has $81.15 and Mildred has $8.75.

How much money do they have together?


Katherine starts with $91.00 and spends

$8.75 on eggs. How much money does

Katherine have left?



$81.15 + $8.75 = $89.90



$91.00 – $8.75 = $82.25


Betty has $56.85 and Howard has $8.51. How

much money do they have together?



$56.85 + $8.51 = $65.36



Jig Saw Expert Group Problems

Name:                                                                                                 Color Group:

Expert Group Story Problem Justification of Work and Answer
A After buying some marbles for $99.73,

Christina has $67.88 left. How much money

did Christina have to begin with?


Show Work







What operation was used




B Marie gives $5.19 to Andrea. If Marie

started with $46.50, how much money does

she have left?


Show Work





What operation was used





C Kimberly has $89.17 and Teresa has $64.10.

How much money do they have together?


Show Work







What operation was used





D Gerald has $30.43 and Peter has $4.17. How

much money do they have together?


Show Work






What operation was used





E Gerald has $93.85 and Margaret has $5.25.

How much money do they have together?


Show Work






What operation was used









Jig Saw Activity Share Out Group Graphic Organizer

Team Color:

Group Member Name Story Problem

Worked on in Expert Group by team member


I think my team member got their answer by … One way this problem is different from my problem is …
Name: After buying some marbles for $99.73,

Christina has $67.88 left. How much money

did Christina have to begin with?


Name: Marie gives $5.19 to Andrea. If Marie

started with $46.50, how much money does

she have left?


Name: Kimberly has $89.17 and Teresa has $64.10.

How much money do they have together?


Name: Gerald has $30.43 and Peter has $4.17. How

much money do they have together?


Name: Gerald has $93.85 and Margaret has $5.25.

How much money do they have together?






One question my group still has is …


Collaborative Poster Rubric

Group Members Names:















I only see one name




I only see 2 color markers


I only see 3 color markers


I see all 4 color markers

Story Problem is present Story Problem is present and uses subtraction Story Problem is present and related to money Story Problem is present and related to using a cash register
No Visual Display is Present Not Applicable Not Applicable Visual Display is Present
No Title is Present Title is Present Title is Present and related to story Title is Clear and related to story
No Math Problem is Present Math Problem is Present Math Problem is Present and related to story Math Problem is Clear and related to story
Below 5 points

Please Redo

5-10 Points = C 11-15 Points= B 16-20 Points = A




Cashier Math Homework


Name:                                                                         Date:

Story Problem


Work- explain how

(use a math sentences)



Show All Work

Jaimie wants to buy a Value Meal, with Chicken Mc Nuggets and large fries and a large diet coke that costs $5. She has $3. How much more money does She need to buy the Value Meal?    
You want to buy two McDonald’s Phillies Big Box Meals. One costs $12, with Mc Nuggets and the other $19, and has Quarter Pounders with cheese. How much money do you need?    
Abby wants to buy dinner for her family for $23.57. She gives you, the cashier, a $20 bill and a $10 bill. How much change do you give her back?    





Name: Smith

Kensington CAPA High School

School District of Philadelphia

Class: Life Skills Support  – 90 min block- this is a two day lesson
Topic Needed Job Skills – Week 9 and 10 of 10 in McDonald’s Transition Unit
Standards & Objectives: By the conclusion of this lesson students will be able to

·       Communicate verbally and in writing different job descriptions of employees at McDonald’s

·       Complete an interview and/or observation or one McDonald’s employee and share his/her role with the class

PA Common Core Standards in Reading, Writing and Mathematics

·       CC.1.4.11–12.L Demonstrate a grade-appropriate command of the conventions of standard English grammar, usage, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling

·       CC.1.4.11–12.X Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences.

·       CC.1.5.11–12.A Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions on grade-level topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.


IDEA Indicator 13- Vocational Training

  • Aligned to the class wide transition goal by the end of a 10 week semester, given explicit instruction and practice on work place expectations and job skills in the classroom and a community setting, students will demonstrate appropriate work place skills and interactions with peers during community based instruction and in the classroom with individual percentages aligned to each individual student.
Daily Activities


Prepare Task (15 Mins.):













Interacting Task (40 Mins):




Extending Task (15 min each Mins):


















Journal, Pair, Share:

Journal (9 min) Students will respond silently to the prompt written on the board using complete sentences and thoughts. Students will fill at least 6 lines on notebook paper with their response.

Prompt: The most important job in a fast food restaurant is …

Pair (1 min) Students will split into pairs of two

Share (5) Students will verbally share aloud a summary of what they have written with their partner


Travel time to and from McDonald’s (20min each way)

Observation (20 min)

Interview (20 min)


Ethnography Power Point Presentations









Between weeks 9 and 10 students will be given time to work on ethnography Power Point presentations both in class and at home for home work. 15 minute Power Points summarizing findings will be presented to the class during the final day of the unit in week 10.

Resources/materials and supplies ·       Student Notebooks

·       Pens/pencils

·       Signed permission slips for trip to McDonald’s

·       Septa Transpasses for each student

·       Student contract for behavior and expectations while at McDonald’s

·       Interview template

·       Laptop Cart for Power Points

·       SMART board for presentation

·       Copies of rubrics and expectations to be sent home for homework.


Reference to Textbooks and Curriculum Guides QTEL approach to lesson planning and engagement used to accelerate language development, academic literacy, and disciplinary knowledge of all students.





Dear Parent or Guardian:


An educational field trip has been scheduled for your child’s class to conclude our transition unit on McDonald’s.  School board policy requires each child to have advance written permission to go on a field trip.  Students who do not have prior written permission will not be able to participate in the field trip.


Please complete the lower section of this form and return it to school immediately.


Thank you.


Teacher: Ms. Smith, Ms. Z and Classroom Assistance          Date: ___________


Date of field trip:                                 Approximate Time: 10:00am – 11:00 am


Destination: McDonald’s Restaurant on Front and Girard Ave, Philadelphia PA.


Your child will need: Money if he/she would like to purchase anything from the menu


Mode of transportation:  Bus ______     School Van ______     Walking ___X___


– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

Sign, detach and return this portion to Ms. Smith at Kensington CAPA High School


I have read the information above and give my permission for

(student’s name) _______________________


From Kensington CAPA High School to attend the field trip to McDonald’s


On ­      at 10 am.  I understand that my child will be traveling by bus ______ school van ______ walking ___X___ (please check the appropriate one).


Teacher:   Ms. Smith              Department/Grade: Room 201 Life Skills


Parent/guardian Signature      _________________


Emergency Phone Number ____________________



Additional Information (medication, allergies etc.) _______________________________

Student Field Trip Behavior Agreement


I, _________________________________________, wish to participate in this educational experience to observe and interview employees at McDonald’s.  I understand that while I am on a field trip I represent Kensington CAPA High School and that all school rules still apply while on the trip. I promise to be KCAPA PROUD and pay close attention to being respectful to all and remaining united as a community with my classmates while we are guest at McDonald’s.







McDonald’s Employee Interview Template


First Name of Person Interviewed:


Name(s) of Students giving the interview:                                                            


Date of interview:

Question Asked Answer given by employee What did this answer make you think about
What can you tell us about McDonald’s?    
What made you want to work at McDonald’s?    
Who hired you?


What hours do you work?    
Do you work full time of part time?    
Are you good at math?  Do you need math in your job?    
Do you think you will still work here in 5 years?    
Questions of your own?    




Ethnography/Interview Presentation Rubric









At least 2 interview questions are discussed At least 4 interview questions are discussed At least 6 interview questions are discussed At least 8 interview questions are discussed
At least 2 pieces of information from the field trip are included in the PowerPoint At least 3 pieces of information from the field trip are included in the PowerPoint At least 4 pieces of information from the field trip are included in the PowerPoint At least 5 pieces of information from the field trip are included in the PowerPoint
The description of the worker is un-clear Not Applicable Not Applicable The description of the worker is clear
At least 2 things the worker did are discussed At least 3 things the worker did are discussed At least 4 things the worker did are discussed At least 5 things the worker did are discussed
Power point is incomplete Not Applicable Not Applicable Power point is


Below 5 points

Please see me for an additional assignment

5-10 Points = C 11-15 Points= B 16-20 Points = A



Food Service Industry

            Books and resources with information about McDonald’s and other fast food chains.


Mcdonalds Interview: 12 Must Know Questions and Answers

Actual interview questions student may encounter when applying for a job at McDonald’s.


Ozersky, J. (2008). The hamburger: A history. New Haven: Yale University Press.

As stated on the book jacket this fast-paced and entertaining book unfolds the immense significance of the hamburger as an American icon. Josh Ozersky shows how the history of the burger is entwined with American business and culture and, unexpectedly, how the burger’s story is in many ways the story of the country that invented (and reinvented) it.



Schlosser, Eric (2001). Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side Of The All-

American Meal. Boston : Houghton Mifflin.

As stated by several internet reviewers: This book, Fast Food Nation describes how the fast food industry has reduced the overall food quality worldwide, created poor working conditions for millions of people and ruined public health.


Top 10 Tips For Teens Completing Job Applications

Alison Doyle –

Simple and easily integrated tips for teenagers to use when filling out job applications and completing resumes.


Working At Mcdonald’s: Interviews & Employment | Mcdonald’s

First-hand accounts from McDonald’s employees about employee satisfactions and the benefits of working for the McDonald’s Corporation.



            Books, websites and other resources dealing with special education and curriculum development for students in the state of Pennsylvania.


Only Four Out Of Ten Working-age Adults with Disabilities Are Employed

Martha Ross-Nicole Bateman-Martha Ross-Nicole Bateman –

This article found through a Google search examines the lack of people with disabilities who are attaining gainful employment after graduating high school at the age of 21.


People with Disabilities in America’s Workforce: Time For …

This website looks into the connect between the lack of jobs in the workforce and the lack of gainful employment for individuals with disabilities. Information from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects dramatic growth during the current decade in many industries and occupations in which people with intellectual and developmental disabilities have not typically been represented up until the time of the report.



Idea Indicators | Project10

As the nation’s special education law, IDEA provides rights and protections to children with disabilities and to their parents. This website provides insights and information for parents about their rights and the rights of their children.



Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (idea): What You Need to Know

Andrew Lee –


View Standards – Sas – Sas – Pennsylvania Department Of …

PA academic standards that describe what students should know and be able to do with the English language, prekindergarten through Grade 12.