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The Globalization of Tastebuds and Capitalism

Author: Amanda Fiegel


Northeast High School

Year: 2019

Seminar: Learning about America and the World from McDonald’s

Grade Level: 9-12

Keywords: capitalism, cultural convergence, fast food, globalization, imperialism, McDonalds

School Subject(s): English

This unit provides an introduction to globalization and its impacts. It could be used in an IB Social and Cultural Anthropology class, Humanities or Language Arts class for 10th12th graders. The first portion of the unit focuses on terminology, theory and examples and the effects of globalization. It requires students to develop a sustainability plan for global companies that revolves around corporate social responsibility and globalization issues (i.e. FairTrade, reducing waste, etc). The goal is for students to gain an understanding of how companies should be held accountable for globalization issues and for them to develop their own plans of action to improve sustainability and workers’ rights. The second part of the curriculum requires students to use their acquired knowledge of globalization to critically analyze how and why American fast food companies have been introduced to different countries and what effect their presence has had on the culture and society of these communities. Additionally, it requires students to develop ad campaigns for companies that showcase a hybridization of two cultures and delineate the effects of cultural diffusionism.

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Full Unit Text
Content Objectives


This unit aims covers the effects of globalization in not only the fast food industry, but also in multi-national companies. Pountney and Maric (2015) define globalization as “the worldwide process of increasing economic, technological, political and cultural interactions, integration and interdependence of nations.” This unit aims to explore how globalization has affected consumers’ lifestyles and cultures around the world.

Initially, students will define, explain and identify how and why globalization occurs and will support their findings with theories and examples (i.e. imperialism, cultural diffusionism, cultural convergence, etc.). According to New Internationalist, “international trade has grown 12-fold in the post-War period and is expected to grow 6% annually for the next 10 years.” This means that globalization will have a huge impact on cultural hybridization, diffusion and convergence/divergence. Additionally, New Internationalist reports that in 1947 the average trade tariff on manufactured imports was 47%; by 1980 it was only 6%; and it is set to fall to just 3%. This emphasizes that over the last 50 years, globalization has had a huge effect on not only American culture, but also global communities far and wide. It has significantly changed our habits, desires and needs and has contributed to our obsession with materials and instant communication (as supported by the cultural materialism theory and the concept of object permanence). These investigations will force students to think about the consequences of globalization and who is majorly affected.

Students will investigate how, in addition to trade, technology, media, economics and politics are key features in this rapid change and how globalization is seen in a variety of forms (i.e. outsourcing, migration, food, clothing, tourism, etc). For an example, technology has greatly increased global telecommunications and decreased the cost of interactions: “Between 1940 and 1970 the cost of an international telephone call fell by more than 80% between 1970 and 1990 by 90% ( This means that stronger economies have been able to outsource telecommunications, but additionally, trade and company expansion have become more viable and sustainable. As a result, students will need to consider which groups in society are actually benefiting and if there is a way to create more equity.

Through an investigation into globalization, students will develop an understanding of the ethical issues global companies face and how companies are currently pressured to develop sustainability and corporate social responsibility plans (CSR plans) to ensure that they are being ethically responsible towards the stakeholders in their local and global communities. Coombs and Holladay (2008) define CSR as “the voluntary actions that corporation implements as it pursues its mission and fulfills its perceived obligations to stakeholders, including employees, communities, the environment, and society as a whole” (p.8). Although CSR has been practiced for many years, it has recently become a major initiative for companies and has been a main factor in marketing campaigns and mission statements. Therefore, because this is a concept they will see and use in the future, students will be responsible for creating their own sustainability plans for global companies. This will allow them to think about the strategies that companies need to have but also for them to realize that there are people behind the brand and being directly impacted by the brand.

Furthermore, they will then investigate how and why franchises are able to be established in other countries and what reactions have occurred. These investigations will offer insight into ideas such as capitalism and imperialism as well as what drives people to want fast food. Additionally, these investigations will expose how marketing, size options, sustainability issues, food choice and standards vary across different countries and how these variations reflect cultural values and/or cultural convergence. For instance, why is it that Japan’s large soda size is the U.S.’s small? What does that say about our culture and desires? Or why is that the menus in India contain vegetarian options, yet the U.S. has primarily beef and chicken? Is this culturally or politically driven and if so, can it be changed? These investigations aim to have students question whether or not corporations truly influence culture and society’s desires or whether a society’s desires directly impacts the fast food industry’s product choice.

Some questions students will consider are:

  • What is globalization and how and why does it occur?
  • What area of globalization interest you the most? People or the environment?
  • What are the effects of globalization?
  • How is globalization both beneficial and detrimental to our global communities?
  • What is sustainability and how is it affected by globalization?
  • How can companies be more sustainable?
  • What is corporate social responsibility and why is it necessary?
  • Is the invasion of fast food restaurants a form of imperialism? Why or why not?
  • Are fast food chains seen as being a positive or a negative for countries outside of the United States?
  • What do fast food chains represent for other cultures? (i.e. status, convenience, entertainment, luxury, etc.)
  • What has changed (i.e. health, habits, rituals, etc.) as a result of fast food restaurants?
  • How do food choices vary across fast food chains? Why is there a difference and what does it reflect about cultural values?
  • How do size and quantity vary across cultures?
  • What is hybridization and how and why does it occur?

Teaching Strategies

In this unit, students will investigate why and how globalization has occurred and how global companies have responsibility on the impacts of globalization. They will practice how to use apply theory to support their claims and will use journal articles, book extracts and videos to provide evidence and make comparisons. Additionally, they will use their knowledge of globalization and prior knowledge of marketing and persuasion to develop sustainability plans and globalization campaigns.

Teaching strategies will include PowerPoint presentations (attached) and videos to guide students through the visualization process. Collaborative learning activities, such as the Placemat Agreement, will allow students to analyze material and come to a consensus with their peers. The Power Paragraph format will give students a detailed plan on how to write an analytical paragraph with quotations and analysis. This will also be useful for any English Language Learners. Furthermore, brainstorming activities, such as the ABC brainstorming chart, will push students to relate the topic to as many themes and ideas that represent the letters in the alphabet.

For the CSR sustainability plan, students will work in groups and participate in a public speaking pitch. They will take on the role of a company executive and communication manager, so that they can really understand the questions CEOs and communication managers have to face. For the Globalization Menu project, students will take their knowledge of globalization in conjunction with their knowledge of a specific culture and create a hybridization menu. Furthermore, extra enrichment and homework activities are below which include questions on globalization, an essay and a ¨Celebrate With McDonald´s¨project.

Classroom Activities

Below is Lesson 1 and 2 of the unit plan with a summarization of the other lessons. Below the lesson plan, are resources that can be used with the lesson plan as well other activities that can be used for enrichment. Click on the blue links to have open access to Powerpoints and articles.


  • Students will define key terminology and theory which relate to globalization
  • Students will state the causes of globalization
  • Students will identify features of globalization
  • Students will analyze the effects of globalization
  • Students will apply theories of globalization to case studies
  • Students will analyze the effect of fast food industry in different countries
  • Students will demonstrate an understanding of sustainability issues and propose solutions
  • Students will investigate how companies are responsible for globalization
  • Students will investigate how globalization occurs in own community


  • Students will write analytical responses about the effects of globalization
  • Students will develop sustainability plans for fast food and other global companies
  • Students will develop marketing campaigns that create global awareness and demonstrate hybridization



Unit Learning Plan Overview


Lessons 1-2: Students will define globalization and give examples of globalization (videos and links to articles provided below)

Lessons 3:Students will investigate why globalization occurs and what impact it has on the communities (videos and links to articles provided below)

Lesson 4: Students will investigate why globalization occurs and what impact it has on the communities (videos and links to articles provided below)

Lesson 5: Students will define outsourcing and investigate its impact on our local and global communities (videos and links to articles provided below)

Lesson 6: Students will investigate different companies and how they are influenced by globalization and issues such as sustainability, outsourcing, etc. Students will display their knowledge of globalization through the ABC Brainstorming Map and questions

Lessons 7-9: Students will create a Corporate Social Responsibility Plan for a global company (Powerpoint provided)

Lessons 10-12: Students will research how the fast food industry is a by product of globalization and how it has influenced global communities and cultures. Video links provided. Students will also investigate other cultures. Video links provided. Students will create a globalization menu and a global marketing campaign (Resource below)



Unit Plan

CSR Powerpoint

Sustainability Powerpoint

Globalization Article Handout

Article 1 “McDonald’s in Beijing”

“Globalization and the Poor”

“How Globalization Affects Our Cultural Identity”

“Globalization’s Impact on Society”

“How Fast Fashion Adds to Global Waste Problem”



Lessons 1 and 2 Plan Background
Teacher: Amanda Fiegel Date: 6/26/19
Course: IB Social and Cultural Anthropology Unit Title: The Globalization of Tastebuds and Capitalism
Skills/Content:  By the end of today’s lesson, what will students know and be able to do?



●      Define globalization

●      Demonstrate and understanding of how and why globalization occurs

●      Identify examples of globalization in their own communities


Assessment: How will students demonstrate mastery of the objective?



●      Explaining what globalization is and why happens in the form of a Placemat Agreement

●      Writing a Power Paragraph

Criteria for Success: What are the features of an ideal product?


That includes…


●      Power Paragraph with key terminology and format

Key Conceptual Understandings
Globalization is a result of cultural diffusionism and capitalism. The rate of globalization has been greatly influenced by travel, technology, trade, colonialism, imperialism, media, politics and other cross-cultural interactions. Globalization can occur among any country; however, countries who have more power tend to dominate in their influences.


Pros of Globalization: technological innovation, foreign direct investment, cultural awareness and understanding, economies of scale and seemingly lower prices, positive competition, sharing funds of knowledge, access to new products, interconnectedness


Cons of Globalization: “Brain Drain”, “Care Drain”, deregulation, labor exploitation, interdependence, inequitable distribution, hegemony, white paternalism, sustainability and environmental issues, resources depletion, employment issues

Key Tasks
1.     Students will identify how they are a “walking example” of globalization

2.     Students will take notes and identify how and why globalization occurs

3.     Students will state the pros and cons of globalization

4.     Students will show their understanding of globalization by giving examples of globalization (i.e. fast fashion, outsourcing, fast food franchises, immigration, education, etc.)


(60 min) Close Reading Bacon’s Manifesto, Nathaniel Bacon, 1676 & A People’s History of the United States, Howard Zinn
Energizer (15 minutes)




Energizer Task:

●      Look in your bag, at your clothes, at your supplies, etc.

●      Pick at least 3 items and state where they are from.

●      Now, look at a blank map. Can you label where the country is located? Label it. If you can’t label it, what does that make you think about? (Appendix 1)

●      Why does this show globalization? What does this say about our world and society? How do you think these objects got here? Why were they not made locally? Who is making these items?

Explain to students that in the United States, prior to the 1960s, the majority of our clothes and supplies were produced in the United States. Anything in from Cambodia or India would have been very exotic; many people didn’t even know where places like Cambodia and Vietnam were. However, now, many of our products come from other countries. So, why is this? This is called globalization and although it is not a new idea, in recent years it has developed more and more, causing major changes in our cultural views, values and practices.

Teacher Led Instruction and Guided Discourse (15 minutes) ●      Watch video clips on definition of globalization and globalization theory and have students come up with definitions in their own words (video clips provided above)

●      Have students feedback and then provide own definitions of globalization and explain theories of globalization

Independent Practice (20 minutes) Placemat Agreement Activity:

1.     Students get into groups and  divide a poster paper into three sections with a box in the middle. They each have their own section on the poster and they each have their own colored marker/pen. See Resources

2.     Students read an article (Globalization Article Handout

3.     Article 1 “McDonald’s in Beijing”) on the effects of globalization. Each student reads article independently and in their own box, with their own colored marker, they write down the main points of the article.

4.     After, students share their points with their group members. They then come to a consensus or agreement about what are the MOST important points from the article.

5.     The students then hang up the poster on the wall and participate in a gallery walk where they


(10 minutes)



For homework, students will write a Power Paragraph (See Resources) based on the article. They will then find another article about globalization in the fast food industry and state how the fast food industry contributes to the effects of globalization. They will support their findings with theory.




World Map Energizer Lesson 1


















Placemat Agreement Lesson 2















Homework Lesson 1

The Power Paragraph: PCEEA


Point:  Answer the question and state a main point you want to prove.


Context: Give background details to give your reader information about the character, topic, scene or chapter. Start with “During this scene…” or “Throughout this article…”


Evidence: Find a quote that specifically proves the point and can be analyzed. “In the text it states…” or “In the passage, Miss Havisham says…”



Explain: Explain/translate what the quote means. “In other words…” or “This shows”


Analyze: Dig deep and state what this does for the reader. Analyze what the quote implies or says about your point. Start with “This implies” or “This suggests” or “This delineates”



Smarties! Add additional or alternative analysis to show you think outside of the box. Think MEAT! Use sentence starters like “Additionally” or “On the other hand”











Globalization Power Paragraph Prompts


Answer ONE of the questions in Power Paragraph format (PCEEA). Look at the sentence stems to help you.


How has the fast food industry become a byproduct of globalization and what are the positive and negative effects of its presence around the world?




To what extent has globalization made a negative or positive impact on society?




According to the article, what factors have caused globalization to increase and as a result, what are the benefits and consequences?




E:In the text____________________________________________”______

___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________”(         ,           ).


A: _________________________________________________________






























Globalization Menu Project


You will be creating a new food item menu for McDonald’s that will reflect the diversity of one of Philadelphia’s neighborhoods. You will need to think about how you can create a hybridization of a food item on the menu with a food from another culture. You will also need to give information about the culture and be responsible for the creation and/or marketing of the product. Follow the steps below:


Step 1: Pick a culture and a neighborhood. Find out statistics (i.e. % population, employment, language, restaurants in the neighborhood, etc.) Additionally, find out about their habitus and rituals, etc.



Step 2: Research foods and cuisines from the culture. Check out Mark Wiens’ food and travel channel for some inspiration. What fruits, spices, animals, insects, etc. are used and do they represent anything?


Step 3: Pick one food or cuisine and describe its taste, texture, ingredients, etc. Additionally, discuss when and how it is eaten and if it represents any larger ideas.


Step 4: Pick a food from McDonald’s menu and create a hybrid food item with the food from the local culture. It could be a dessert, a sandwich, a side item, etc. BE CREATIVE.





Step 5: Get imaginative and think about the marketing of the product. What will the name be? What will the packaging be like? What languages will be used? How will you be inclusive, instead of exclusive? What will it look like?


Step 6: Create a business plan for the product. How did you get inspiration for this product? How does this product reflect the community? How much will it cost? When will it be piloted? Why will it be a success? Is this sustainable? Does it reflect fair trade? It socially responsible (i.e. Will profits go back to the community or fund other cultural projects/initiatives?)





Step 7: Create an advertisement for the product. Include specific color, images, language, placement, and other persuasive devices while also making sure it is McDonald’s.


Step 8: Create the product and present the business plan to class (Powerpoint presentation). This will be your opportunity to show the product, have your classmates taste the product and also explain to your classmates how this is a positive example of hybridization and globalization.


Extra Enrichment

                  Celebrate With McDonald’s Project


Task: Many companies use holidays, health awareness issues and other global issues  to make money. For instance, during LGBTQ Pride Month, Dunkin Donuts uses rainbow colors in their donuts and drinks to bring attention to the LGBTQ community. Some companies, then donate the money to LGBTQ organizations.This is an example of commodification as well as corporate social responsibility.


You will be creating an ad and product campaign for McDonald’s that focuses on celebrating a holiday, rite of passage or ritual of a specific culture. You will be responsible for showing how McDonald’s can commodify a celebration or custom by using specific persuasive techniques and food productions. In conjunction with the campaign, you will also be giving information about the custom or celebration and the meaning and importance  behind the custom or celebration.


Suggestions for Celebrations and Cultural Customs/Traditions


●      Eid Al-Fitr

  • Holi Festival
  • Divali Festival
  • Gay Pride Festival
  • Carnival in Rio de Janiero
  • Amish Coming of Age Tradition: Rumspringa
  • Chinese New Year

●      Qingming Festival—Honoring the Past and Celebrating the Future

●      Festa Junina in Brazil

  • Burning Man Festival

Links to Use:


Success Criteria:


  • A campaign advertisement in print or video with persuasive devices (i.e. image, color, language devices, etc.)
  • A food product that reflects the holiday or custom
  • Facts and history behind the festival (i.e. 5Ws)
  • Analysis on what the holiday, custom or tradition delineates about the culture













Extra Enrichment

Globalization Paper


DUE :        _________________________________________


  • 3-6 pages
  • Double spaced
  • Times New Roman Font
  • 12 pt
  • 1 inch margins



A – “Golden Arches East: McDonalds in East Asia,” James L. Watson, Stanford University Press 1997

McDonald’s restaurants are found in over 100 countries, serving tens of millions of people each day. What are the cultural implications of this phenomenal success? Does the introduction of American fast food undermine local cuisines, many of them celebrated for centuries? Does it, as some critics fear, overrun a homogeneous, global culture?

B – “Tales from Two Deltas: Catfish Fillets, High Value Foods, and Globalization,” Dominique M. Duval-Diop, Economic Geography, April 2005.

How does this case study illustrate the heterogeneous outcomes of globalization as these deltas are brought into a competition that, in some ways, is closer than their absolute distance may indicate, and how is this competition mediated?

C – “How Sushi Went Global,” Theodore C. Bestor, Foreign Policy, November 2000.

How does this case study illustrate the importance of Blue Fin Tuna in the global Market economy? Discuss Supply and Demand and how that fuels the tuna market. Bestor makes the argument that as Americans we like to think of ideas spreading from West to East, identify and discuss his idea about the East to West diffusion.

















ABC Brainstorming




Think: For each letter, come up with a word that relates to the given topic on globalization. It could be a theme, an example, a key term, a place, a theorist/anthropologist, etc.


Pair: Borrow from one another and compare your answers


Share: Share out to the class











































Globalization Review Questions


Any of the following questions MAY be on the test. The test will only be 7 questions. Answers are meant to be anywhere from 3-4 sentences and will be 5 points each.


  1. Define globalization and state three reasons why it occurs.
  2. Give an example of how the United States has affected globalization in another country.
  3. Define and give an example of imperialism and state how it affects a culture.
  4. Define and give an example of capitalism and state how it affects a culture.
  5. Define and give an example of neoliberalism and state how it affects a culture.
  6. How do indigenous societies change as they become incorporated into a tourism market? State the positives and negatives.
  7. What are transnational flows and what are Eriksen (2007) key features of transnational flows? Identify and define each.
  8.  Define hybridization, give an example  and state how does hybridization affect a culture?
  9. How does globalization negatively affect a culture? How does it positively affect a culture?
  10. How is Dharavi an example of small-scale industry?
  11. Define creolization and state how it affects a national identity.
  12. What is the homogenization theory and how does it relate to McDonaldization?
  13. Explain both the positive and negative impact of tourism on tourists and the toured country. Give specific examples.
  14. What is migration and what are some push and pull factors of migration?
  15.  What is the Brain Drain? What is the Care Drain? Give specific examples.
  16. Explain the impact of globalization on health. Give a specific example.
  17. To what extent does globalization lead to the homogenization of society?
  18. Explain and summarize Ward’s (2012) ethnography on Gangsters with Borders”
  19. Explain and summarize Meerman’s (2001) ethnography, Chain of Love.
  20.  Explain and summarize Hormann’s (2006) ethnography, Calcutta Calling.
  21. Explain and summarize Roy’s (2003) ethnography, The City Beautiful.
  22. Explain and summarize Journet and Nougarol (2005) ethnography, Gods and Satans.
  23. Explain and summarize Black’s (2010) ethnography, Schooling the World: The White Man’s Last Burden
  24. Explain the impact of globalization on a community or culture. Give a specific example.



IB Social Cultural Anthropology



  1. What is globalization? Give an example. Literal, Applied
  2. What is cultural globalization? Give an example. Literal, Applied
  3. What is economic globalization? Give an example. Literal, Applied
  4. What is demographic globalization? Literal
  5. How does globalization occur? Inferential
  6. Give three examples of how globalization has occurred in the United States. Applied
  7. Give an example of how the United States has affected globalization in another country. Applied
  8. What is a large-scale society? Give an example. Literal, Applied
  9. What is a small-scale society? Give an example. Literal, Applied
  10. Define and give an example of imperialism. Literal, Applied
  11. Define and give an example of colonialism. Literal, Applied
  12. Define and give an example of capitalism. Literal, Applied
  13. Define and give an example of neocolonialism. Literal, Applied
  14. How has globalization changed over time? Inferential
  15. How has media and technology shaped the experience of globalization and what theory can be attached? Inferential, Literal.
  16. What is multi-sited ethnography? Literal
  17. Explain tourism and why people seek an authentic experience. Literal, Inferential
  18. Can authenticity truly be acquired as a tourist? Inferential
  19. How are cultural traditions changed or reinvented over time to match tourist expectations? Inferential
  20. How do indigenous societies change as they become incorporated into a tourism market? Inferential
  21. How significant is tourism in a global industry? Inferential
  22. What are transnational flows? Literal
  23. What are Eriksen (2007) key features of transnational flows? Identify and define each. Literal, Literal
  24.  How does hybridization affect a culture? Inferential
  25. How does globalization negatively affect a culture? How does it positively affect a culture? Inferential, Inferential
  26. How is Dharavi an example of small-scale industry? Inferential
  27. Using the example of Dharavi in Mumbai, how can we explain three dimensions of globalization? Applied, Inferential
  28. Define creolization. Literal
  29. How does creolization affect a national identity? Literal
  30. Think of a meal or food that is hybrid or an example of creolization. Explain why you think so. Applied, Inferential
  31. What is the homogenization theory and how does it relate to McDonaldization? Literal, Inferential
  32. To what extent does globalization lead to homogenization or cultural diversity? Literal
  33. What is a consequence of globalization according to Marije Meerman’s study in 2001? Make sure to give location, problem and theory. Literal, Applied
  34. What is assimilation? Literal
  35. Why is assimilation a negative thing? Why can it be seen as positive? Inferential, Inferential
  36. Name and describe three other case studies of globalization as seen in the book.
    1. Literal
  37. Research Task: Kayapo of the Amazon
    1. To what extent do global processes alter local economies? Literal
    2. What global issues have affected the Kayapo and other Amazonian indigenous peoples? Name at least three. Literal, Applied
    3. How have these issues had an effect on local culture? Inferential
    4. What role of the Kayapo played in the global justice and environmental movement? Literal
    5. Examine how the Kayapo used technology to present their case to the world. Inferential
  38. Research Task: Politics and globalization


  1. Research how globalization has affected politics in certain countries. Inferential


  1. As a result, what has occurred? Literal


  1. How did the globalization ignite? Inferential


Bibliography for Teachers


“Global fast-food growth affects worldwide baking.” Milling & Baking News, 3 Sept. 1996, p. 7. General OneFile,

?u=temple_main&sid=ITOF&xid=03c5295a. Accessed 23 Feb. 2019.


Cox, Tracy. “Going global: Fast-food retailers move into international markets.” NPN International, Mar.-Apr. 1999, p. 26. General OneFile, Accessed 23 Feb. 2019.

Chase, Holly “The Meyhane of McDonald’s? Changes in Eating Habits and the Evolution of Fast Food in Istanbul.” Culinary Cultures of the Middle East, p. 63-73.


Kottak, Conrad Phillip. Cultural Anthropology: Appreciating Cultural Diversity. McGraw-Hill

Education, 2019.

Matejowsky, Ty. “Jolly Dogs and McSpaghetti: Anthropological Reflections on

Global/Local Fast-Food Competition in the Philippines.” Journal of Asia-Pacific Business, vol. 9, no. 4, 2008, pp. 313–328., doi:10.1080/10599230802453588.


Pountney, Laura, and Tomislav Marić. Introducing Anthropology. Polity Press, 2015.

Schlosser, Eric, and Jennifer Christiansen. Fast Food Nation: the Dark Side of the All-American Meal. Moline Public Library, 2007.


Reading List for Student


“Tales from Two Deltas: Catfish Fillets, High Value Foods, and Globalization,” Dominique M. Duval-Diop, Economic Geography, April 2005.

“How Sushi Went Global,” Theodore C. Bestor, Foreign Policy, November 2000.

“Golden Arches East: McDonalds in East Asia,” James L. Watson, Stanford University Press 1997

Pountney, Laura, and Tomislav Marić. Introducing Anthropology. Polity Press, 2015.




Fast Food and Globalization Video Links

American Fast Food Took Over Kuwait And Made Its People Obese

History of Food and Globalization

Globalization of Food

Fast Food Culture

The Globalization of McDonalds


20 Different McDonald’s Meals Around the World

How drastically food portions have changed in the past 20 years

Resisting McDonaldization


Globalization Video Links

Globalization and the Poor

How Globalization Affects Our Cultural Identity

Globalization’s Impact on Society

How Fast Fashion Adds to Global Waste Problem (Globalization and Climate Change) (Globalization and Environmental Issues) (Sustainability Issues in Companies)


Cultural Anthropology Customs and Traditions Video and Article Links

Amazon Tribe and Initiation with Ants

Coming of Age Rituals

Diwali of Lights Festival

Holi Festival

Eid Al-Fitr

Celebrating The Brazilian Harvest With Festa Junina

Qingming FestivalHonoring the Past and Celebrating the Future

Carnival in Rio de Janiero


  • Standard – CC.1.3.11-12.B: Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences and conclusions based on and related to an author’s implicit and explicit assumptions and beliefs.


  • Standard – CC.1.3.11-12.C: Analyze the impact of the author’s choices regarding how to develop and relate elements of a story or drama.


  • Standard – CC.1.4.11-12.E: Write with an awareness of the stylistic aspects of composition. • Use precise language, domain-specific vocabulary, and techniques such as metaphor, simile, and analogy to manage the complexity of the topic. • Establish and maintain a formal style and objective tone while attending to the norms of the discipline in which they are writing.


  • Standard – CC.1.4.11-12.W: Gather relevant information from multiple authoritative print and digital sources, using advanced searches effectively; assess the strengths and limitations of each source in terms of the task, purpose, and audience; integrate information into the text selectively to maintain the flow of ideas, avoiding plagiarism and overreliance on any one source and following a standard format for citation.


  • Standard – CC.1.5.11-12.D: Present information, findings, and supporting evidence, conveying a clear and distinct perspective; organization, development, substance, and style are appropriate to purpose, audience, and task.


  • Standard – CC.1.5.11-12.F: Make strategic use of digital media in presentations to add interest and enhance understanding of findings, reasoning, and evidence.