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The Appeal of Communism to African-Americans in the United States

Bill Chenevert
Keywords: Black Communists, Black history, capitalism, Claude McKay, communism, economics, Friedrich Engels, Jim Crow South, karl marx, Langston Hughes, McCarthyism, Paul Robeson, racism, socialism, the Bolshevik Revolution, the Cold War, The Great Migration, the USSR


World History or White History?: Deconstructing Race in the World History Classroom

Keeler Park
Keywords: analysis, annotation, Critical Race Theory, criticality, DBQ, discussion, document-based questions, Equity, Geography, History, map reading, power, primary source, race, Slavery, social studies, society, Sociology, world history

Building an Environmentally Equitable Community One School at Time

Tia Graves
Keywords: Climate Justice/Racism, environmental justice, Environmental Racism, Equity, green stormwater infrastructure, Mitigation, resilience, Sea Level Rise, Urban Heat Island Adaptation

Environmental Justice in Philadelphia

Deborah Wei
Keywords: community organizing, environmental justice, Environmental Racism, Philadelphia refineries, power analysis, racism, stakeholders

A Class Act

Margo A. Pinckney
Keywords: data collection, race relations


Where Does Our Water Come From?

David White
Keywords: water, water cycle, water filtration, water pollution, Watershed

Changing Technology for a Changing Climate: Knowledge is not always power, but power is rarely ignorant

Chloe Glynn
Keywords: climate change, critical minerals, environment, fossil fuels, geopolitics, green technology, greenhouse gases, hands-on experiments, power, renewable energy, social media

Sustainable? Systemic Dis-illusions?

Maya Bhagat
Keywords: critical metals, rare earth metals, sustainability, systems