Seminar Leader:
Dinesh Thakur Preface:
Drones, or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), are becoming increasingly popular for both commercial and recreational use. They are also being used as a tool for STEM education, coding, and other subjects. Drones can be used to teach students about aerodynamics, flight mechanics, programming, and more. They can also be used to help students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. In this seminar we learned about the many specialized components of a drone and how they work together. We also explored drone history, current applications, safety, and regulations. Finally, we used an inexpensive educational drone kit for demonstrations and hands-on training with drone programming in either Scratch or Python. This seminar was open to STEM teachers in the middle and high school grades.
Unit Title | Author |
Monique Carter |
Keywords: area, cartesian graphing, circle, community policing, composite, conditionals, coordinate graphing, criticality, diversity, drones, Equity, Gholdy Muhammad, Inclusion, joy, justice, Math, metric measurement, origin, perimeter, point, polygon, quadrant, quadrilateral, scale, scale factor, search and rescue, sensors, trapezoid, triangle, variables, x-axis, y-axis |
Christopher Sweeney |
Keywords: Bio-Design, Bio-Fabrication, design, Digital Fabrication, drones, Mycelium, Soft drones |
Catherine Michini |
Keywords: angle of elevation, area, Blockly for Robolink, campus exploration, clinometer, coding/programing, CoDrone EDU, DJI Mini Pro 4, Drone, drone safety, fermi questions, height, percent error, polygon characteristics, right triangle trigonometry, student challenge, volume |
Charlette Walker |
Keywords: coding, CoDrone EDU, digital literacy, DJI Tello drones, drone applications, drone careers, DroneBlocks, drones, ELA, Google Sites, Google Slides, Middle School, Research, Scratch, STEM |
Justin Guida |
Keywords: classroom, coding, Drone, drones, education, flight, flying, Middle School, robotics, Robots, school, Science, STEAM, STEM, students, Technology, UAV |
Ariel Coff |
Keywords: coding, debate, drones, electromagnetism, energy waves, ethics, experimental design, fields of force, fluid dynamics, forces and motion, Investigation, model, Newton’s Laws, Research, robotics, scientific argument, Technology |
Katherine Smith |
Keywords: autonomous flight, Blockly, CoDrone EDU, Drone, programming, RPA, UAS, UAV |