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Unit TitleAuthor


Toolbox for Tranquility: Using Meditation and Mindfulness to Ease Anxiety in the Classroom

Katherine Steiner
Keywords: anxiety, breathing, coloring, guided imagery, High School, Meditation, mental health, Mindfulness, relaxation, test anxiety, walking meditation


Building an Environmentally Equitable Community One School at Time

Tia Graves
Keywords: Climate Justice/Racism, environmental justice, Environmental Racism, Equity, green stormwater infrastructure, Mitigation, resilience, Sea Level Rise, Urban Heat Island Adaptation

Hey, hey, ho, ho, Childhood Asthma needs to go!

Jillian Howden
Keywords: asthma, childhood, childhood development, Health, prevention

“Rare Ability and Devotion”: Elizabeth Tyler, first visiting Black nurse of Philadelphia, as Counter-Narrative

Danina Garcia
Keywords: African American History, Henrietta Lacks, Medical History, Medicine, Nursing History, Philadelphia, Tuberculosis

Music and Art Are Healing: Neurographic Art in the Classroom

Ms. Allison Aubry, M.ED
Keywords: Art, brain breaks, healing, meditative doodling, Music, neuro art, Neurographic art, The Sound of Philadelphia

Imagine a Day Without Clean Water: Middle School English Language Learners Advocate for Clean Water for All

Sondra Gonzalez
Keywords: clean water, English language learners, lead, water contaminants, water scarcity, water treatment plant


Sustainable? Systemic Dis-illusions?

Maya Bhagat
Keywords: critical metals, rare earth metals, sustainability, systems


How to Win a War Without Even Shooting: Haitian Revolution Strategy

Lynn Gourinski Fahr
Keywords: cholera, disease preventions, Haiti, high school history, History, middle school history, revolution strategies, yellow fever

What a Waste!

Tiffany Moyer
Keywords: literacy, litter, Math, recycling, Science, social studies, trash, waste


Using Scientific Process with Child Development

Suzanne George
Keywords: child development, computer research, early child development (birth to age four), Health, High School, project, rubric