James Forman Jr. Keynote at TIP-PhilWP Conference August 30, 2018 – Posted in: Uncategorized

TIP welcomed Yale Law professor and Pulitzer Prize-winning author James Forman, Jr. to the Penn campus on Saturday, October 6 to lead a keynote session as part of the TIP-Philadelphia Writing Project annual Celebration of Writing and Literacy (CoWL).

The keynote addressed a seminar Forman led for teachers attending the Yale National Initiative’s summer intensive program this past July. Forman based his summer seminar on his book Locking up Our Own: Crime and Punishment in Black America. The session also featured TIP Fellow Matthew Menschner, Kensington CAPA teacher and participant in Forman’s summer seminar. Menschner presented a curriculum unit he wrote on racism in the criminal justice system.

CoWL brings together local educators to share research and promising practices in the teaching of writing and literacy for young people. In case you missed it, the Celebration will be back again next year! To receive updates on TIP news and events, follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook!