Seminar Meetings
Week 13
Week 13
Week 13
Week 14 Second draft due: problem statement, content objectives, teaching strategies, classroom activities, resources, appendix, abstract. (Extra week added to deal with COVID-19 outbreak)
Week 14 Second draft due: problem statement, content objectives, teaching strategies, classroom activities, resources, appendix, abstract. (Extra week added to deal with COVID-19 outbreak)
will likely conduct remotely
This year's conference theme is “Educating for Justice in the Digital Age.” The conference is co-hosted by the Philadelphia Writing Project, the Teachers Institute of Philadelphia (TIP), Penn GSE, and the Penn Museum. Join local educators online for two days of learning, reflection, and joy as we share promising practices and resources for supporting writing and literacy among young people! Register here:
This year's conference theme is “Educating for Justice in the Digital Age.” The conference is co-hosted by the Philadelphia Writing Project, the Teachers Institute of Philadelphia (TIP), Penn GSE, and the Penn Museum. Join local educators online for two days of learning, reflection, and joy as we share promising practices and resources for supporting writing and literacy among young people! Register here:
All first round applications for TIP's 2021 seminar program are due by midnight. Learn more about TIP's seminars here:
All second round, narrative applications for TIP's 2021 seminar program are due by midnight.