Author: Kimberly Sweeney
Robert E. Lamberton Elementary School
Year: 2017
Seminar: What is the Earth Made of?
Grade Level: 4
Keywords: erosion, Science, weathering
School Subject(s): Environmental Science, Geology, Physics, Science
This unit on Weathering was developed and intended to be taught in a fourth or fifth grade elementary classroom. It includes many hands-on activities to encourage active participation in the lessons. The goal of the unit plan was to introduce weathering and erosion to students and have them complete activities to help them und gain a deeper understanding of the types of weathering and erosion that change our environment.
Weathering and erosion have a major impact on the world in which we live. As I completed my research, my goal was to create engaging lessons that students could understand. In addition to several experiments, I also included worksheets that involved sorting, comparing, and other skills. My intention was to create lessons that would meet the needs of individual learners.
Weathering and erosion are broad topics so the unit was designed to provide a one-day overview on each topic and then spend several days learning about the specific types of weathering and erosion. At the end of specific lessons, students will demonstrate their understanding by completing various worksheets in the appendix.
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The purpose of this unit is to improve students’ knowledge of weathering and erosion, subjects which have been neglected in the elementary grades By the end of this unit, students will be able to describe the different types of weathering and erosion and describe the impact that weathering and erosion have on their environment. The school I work in serves students from Kindergarten through eighth grade. The students from Kindergarten through sixth grades are in self-contained classrooms, except for a 45-minute lunch period and an hour prep or special period.
Our Earth is constantly changing, but students are not taught Science with fidelity in the lower elementary grades and they are unaware of the impact various forces have on our environment. Students need to understand how and why the Earth changes and how they can have an impact on these changes. This unit plan introduces students to the process of weathering and erosion and focuses on how wind, water and plants change our landscape. It also focuses on the difference between mechanical and chemical weathering.
Weathering occurs all around us, but it is usually occurring so slowly that people don’t notice it. Weathering is the process where rocks are altered or broken down by wind, water, changes in temperature, freezing water, or plants. Over time, this forces change our environment drastically. In this unit, I will focus on three types of weathering: physical, chemical, and biological weathering.
Physical weathering is caused by pressure and temperature changes. Wind, water and ice can weaken the surface and break it. There are two main types of physical weathering. The first is freeze-thaw weathering. This is when water freezes inside the cracks in rocks. When the water freezes, it expands and causes the rock to break. In this unit, student will examine how this type of weathering affects our roads in the winter. They will complete a frozen water experiment to show that water expands as it freezes.
The second type of physical weathering is exfoliation. This is when a crack develops parallel to the land and it breaks in sheets. Once there is a crack and water seeps in it, it leads to the formation of new low-density minerals. The rocks then break off in slabs or sheets. When exfoliation occurs, the result is dome-like hills and boulders that are round.
Chemical weathering is the breaking down of rock due to the interaction with water and atmospheric gases. It happens when rain, which is acidic, reacts with rocks and forms new minerals. It can also change the composition of a mineral, which leads to the breakdown of the mineral, and thus, of the rock. Students see an example of chemical engineering when they see oxygen cause rust to form on iron and weaken it. Students who have left their bicycle outside may have experienced this type of weathering.
To understand chemical weathering, students will examine how water, carbon dioxide and oxygen are agents of chemical weathering. They will look at some examples and experiments to understand how it can impact their lives. For example, water dissolves certain substances and we will examine how it dissolves ions from minerals or how water washes away salt. Carbon Dioxide and Oxygen also causes reactions with other elements. In this unit, they will examine how iron reacts with oxygen to create rust.
Biological weathering is the weakening and eventual disintegration of rocks by plants, animals, and microbes. It is also known as organic weathering.
There are three types of weathering we will examine in this unit. The first is weathering by plant. It occurs when roots grow in cracks. Eventually the roots cause the cracks to get wider and the rock eventually breaks. The second type is weathering by microbial activity. In this, plants release acidic compounds and iron and minerals are broken down. The final type of biological weathering is caused by animals. For example, some animals burrow in the ground and cause cracks to get larger. Humans can cause biological weathering by digging holes in the ground.
In this unit, students will examine factors the affect weathering like particle size. Students need to understand weathering in order to understand erosion. Weathering prepares rocks for erosion, which is the process that wears away the Earth surface through the movement of water, ice, wind, or gravity.
Erosion is the removal of surface material on the Earth’s surface. Water, wind, moving ice, and gravity are the main agents of erosion. Since students frequently encounter these agents, they need to understand how they change the Earth’s surface. In this unit, students will take a deep look at each agent of change, watch a video, and complete experiments. Students will also look at how moving water causes rocks to change over time, how glaciers can damage and carve deep valleys, how wind reshapes the surface or sand dunes, and how gravity can make ice and water move downhill.
This unit is designed for fourth to fifth grade students. The objectives of this unit include the following:
This unit on weathering and erosion will include various learning strategies to meet the needs of the diverse learners in the classroom. The teacher will use direct instruction, but will also use self-directed activities and hands-on activities to help encourage student engagement. The teacher will use classroom discussion to encourage participation and active engagement in the lessons. Prior to each lesson, the teacher will activate prior student knowledge. During the lesson, the teacher will encourage higher order thinking, assist students in making personal connections, and provide real world connections.
Lesson 1
Introduction to Weathering and Erosion
During this lesson, the teacher will read aloud chapter one of Weathering and Erosion and the Rock Cycle which defines Weathering and Erosion.
Weathering and Erosion and the Rock Cycle
Students will be able to define weathering and erosion.
Students will participate in a turn and talk discussion with a partner after listening to a read aloud about weathering and erosion.
Lesson 2
What is Weathering and Erosion?
During this lesson, students will investigate the forces of weathering and erosion.
Technology to play video from
Paper for the graphic organizer
Students will be able to complete a graphic organizer in order to compare and contrast weathering and erosion.
Students will compare weathering and erosion using a Venn diagram after watching an instructional video. Students will also jot down any questions they have during the video on post it notes. At the end of the lesson, students will work with a partner to share their graphic organizers.
Lesson 3
A Close Look at Weathering
During this lesson the teacher will define weathering as the breaking up of rocks, soil and earth materials and define the three types of weathering.
Paper for students to create a foldable
Interactive Science notebook
Students will be able to define weathering and also be able to define the three types of weathering: physical, chemical, or biological.
Students will list examples of weathering and use a think/pair/share strategy with a partner to share ideas and compare lists. Students will also create a graphic organizer for their new vocabulary words.
Background Information: Weathering is the disintegration, breaking down, or alteration of rocks. It occurs near the surface and includes no movement. There are different types of weathering: physical, chemical, and biological. Physical is caused by pressure and temperature changes. Wind, water and ice can weaken the surface and break it. Animals and plants also cause weathering; this is known as biological weathering.
Chemical weathering is caused when elements like oxygen cause substances in rocks to change. Oxygen can cause rust to form on iron and weakens it. Another example is rain water that reacts with minerals in rocks to form new minerals.
After the lesson, the teacher will ask students to think of any examples of weathering they have seen and create a list. They will use the think/pair/share strategy to share out their ideas.
Students will create a vocabulary organizer by folding a sheet of paper in half vertically. On one side, they will make 1 cut so that there are 2 evenly spaced flaps. The top flaps will be labeled Physical and Chemical. Under each flap, students will write the definition of the type of weathering and they may draw an illustration, if they would like. These should be glued into their Science interactive notebooks
Lesson 4
Weathering Type 1- Physical Weathering
During this lesson the teacher will look closely at physical weathering and provide examples of physical weathering, freeze-thaw weathering and exfoliation. See Appendix B for student worksheet.
Materials Station 1
1 clear plastic cup
2 Sharpies, different colors
Materials Station 2
1 wide beaker
1 cup of salt
1 piece of dark colored chalk
Materials Station 3
River rocks with sharp edges and smooth
Sandstone, 4 pieces
Plastic container with a lid
Students will be able to define physical weathering and learn about the types of physical weathering. They will participate in three activities to learn about the agents of weathering.
Students will work with a partner in a carousel style to move to 3 different lab stations and complete the labs. After each lab, they will work with a partner to complete the lab worksheets. (See Appendix B, C, and D)
Physical weathering is also caused by temperature changes on rocks. There are 2 main types of physical weathering.
Freeze-thaw weathering is when water freezes inside cracks in rocks. During freezing, the water expands and causes the rock to break. Ask students to think/pair/share with a partner to discuss how this might impact our roads.
The second type is exfoliation. That is when a crack develops parallel to the land and it breaks in sheets. Physical weathering occurs in dry places with very little soil. As erosion occurs, the rock mass is under lower pressure which leads to tension in directions at right angles to the land surface. (
The following 3 experiments will demonstrate how frozen water, wind and running water act as agents of weathering. Each experiment will be set up as a station. Students will work with partners and move through each of the 3 stations. (
Station 1 Frozen Water Experiment (Appendix B)
Materials Station one
1 clear plastic cups
2 Sharpies, different colors
Student Instructions:
*Note- Students should observe the frozen water line is higher than the liquid water line. Discuss how this impacts rocks and our roads.
Station 2 Wind (Appendix C)
1 wide beaker
1 cup of salt
1 piece of dark colored chalk
Student directions:
*Note- Explain that the salt represents sand that wears away at rocks.
Station 3 Running Water (Appendix D)
River rocks, some with sharp edges and some with smooth edges
Sandstone, 4 pieces
Plastic container with a lid
Student Directions:
*Note- Students should observe the water may look dirty and have small pieces or particles or rock.
Lesson 5 Part A
Weathering Type 2- Chemical Weathering
During this lesson the teacher will look closely at chemical weathering and provide examples.
Science interactive notebook
Paper for foldable
2 cups
Paper Towels
Students will be able to define chemical weathering and learn about the agents of chemical weathering.
Students will create a vocabulary graphic organizer to take notes on water, carbonic acid and oxygen. (Appendix E)
Chemical weathering happens when rain water reacts with rocks and forms new minerals. Chemical weathering changes the composition of a mineral, which leads to the the breakdown of the mineral and thus, of the rock.
This happens because even clean rain water is acidic. These chemical processes occur more at warmer temperatures because of more abundant plant life.
The agents of chemical weathering are water, carbon dioxide and oxygen.
Student directions:
*Note- Students should observe the mass of the chalk decreases in both cases, but occurs more rapidly in the pieces that are broken.
Homework/ Extension: Create a poster about damage done by weathering and erosion in Philadelphia. Ask your community to help fix some of the damage being done.
Lesson 5 Part B
Climate and Weathering
During this lesson the students will examine the effects of temperature on chemical reactions.
2 cups, at least 16 oz. each
12 oz. cold water
12 oz. warm water
2 sugar cubes
Students will understand that warm, wet climates foster weathering and be able to describe weathering in terms of reaction rates, or rates of decomposition.
Students will use the think/pair/share strategy to discuss hypothesis before demonstration and then again after it to confirm or correct their hypothesis.
*Note- Students should observe the sugar cube dissolving faster in the warm water.
Lesson 6
Biological Weathering
During this lesson the teacher will look closely at biological weathering and provide real world examples
Notebooks to write examples
Students will be able to define biological weathering and provide real world examples.
Students will use think/pair/share to work with a partner to think about examples of each of the types of biological weathering and then allow students to share with the class.
Background Information
Biological weathering is the weakening and eventual disintegration of rocks by plants, animals, and microbes. It is also known as organic weathering. (
Plants and trees grow into cracks or fractures in rocks and as the roots grow, they cause the crack to get wider and deeper, eventually leading to crumbling or disintegrating the rocks. Animals also cause biological weathering by burrowing in the ground and causing cracks to grow.
There are 3 main types of biological weathering
Think/Pair/Share – Ask students to work with a partner to think about examples of each of the types of biological weathering and then allow students to share with the class.
Lesson 7
A Review of Weathering
During this lesson, students will review how water, air and living things play a part in physical and chemical weathering.
Chart paper
Post it notes, 6 for each group
Students will be able to compare and contrast the differences between chemical, physical, and biological weathering
Students will work with teacher to complete a graphic organizer/chart using post it notes on the board.
Air | Water | Plants/Animals | |
Physical Weathering
Chemical Weathering
Physical Weathering
Air- Wind blows against rocks and over time breaks them down into smaller pieces
Water- water freezes in cracks and breaks apart
Plants/Animals- plants grow and roots can split rocks
Chemical Weathering
Air- mixes with minerals to form new compounds and weakens rocks
Water- dissolves minerals and can create acids
Plants/ Animals- can give off acids that breaks down rocks
Lesson 8
Erosion Overview
During this lesson the teacher will provide students with an overview of erosion, explain the difference between weathering and erosion and give examples of the main agents of erosion. (wind, water, glaciers, and gravity)
Science notebooks
Paper for interactive notebook
Projector to show video
Students will be able to define erosion and be able to list at least 3 main agents of erosion: moving water, glaciers, wind, and gravity.
Students will create a graphic organizer to list the agents of erosion.
Erosion is the removal of surface material on the Earth’s surface. Erosion can be caused by wind, water, moving ice or gravity. It can also happen from temperature and chemicals found in nature ( These can change the Earth’ s surface. Erosion occurs after rock has been weathered. It includes the transportation of weathered material from the point of degradation, but not the deposition of material at a new site.
-Water – Moving water is a major cause or erosion. Waves crash with force on sand and rocks and causes the coastline to erode and change. Rivers also flood and cause erosion.
-Glaciers- Ice can grind over land and cause damage and carve deep valleys.
-Wind- Wind can change the surface of land over time. It can also change the surface of sand dunes.
-Gravity- Gravity makes ice and water move downhill.
Lesson 9
Erosion – Water
In this lesson, the students will be able to explain how water is an agent of erosion and show how water can change Earth by moving sediment and re-depositing it someplace else.
Small gravel
Aluminum pan
Paper Cups
Students will be able to compare the effect water has on landforms at various inclines.
Students will participate in a hand-on experiment and complete the lab worksheet. (Appendix G)
Student Procedures
*Note- Students should observe the water moving faster when there is an incline. They may also observe more water pooling at the bottom on the incline.
Lesson 10
Erosion- Glaciers
In this lesson, students will examine how glaciers can erode land and redeposit sediments.
Ice cubes, one for each group
Modeling clay
Paper towels
Students will be able to describe glaciers as an agent of erosion and show how glaciers erode land.
Students will participate in a hand-on experiment and complete the lab worksheet. (Appendix H)
Student Procedures
*Note- Students should observe the sand will stick to the ice cube and the clay.
Lesson 11
Erosion – Wind
In this lesson, the students will be able to explain how wind is an agent of erosion and compare how water or moisture has an impact on wind erosion.
Aluminum pan, 2
1 cup of dry sand for each group
1 cup of wet sand for each group
Goggles, eye protection
Students will be able to compare the effect water has on wind and erosion.
Students will participate in a hand-on experiment and complete the lab worksheet. (Appendix I)
Students will complete the Wind and Sand Erosion Worksheet (see appendix)
Student Directions
1. Place one cup of dry sand in aluminum pan. Pile sand at one end, to form a sand dune shape.
*Note- Students should observe the dry sand is easy to move. The wet sand is more difficult to move and may not be able to move at all.
Lesson 12
Weathering and Erosion Word Sort
In this lesson, students will complete an item sort to demonstrate their understanding of weathering and erosion.
Weathering and Erosion Word Sort (provided in appendix)
Glue Sticks
Students will participate in a hand-on experiment and complete the lab worksheet. (Appendix J)
Students will sort examples of weathering and erosion in order to demonstrate their understanding of the concepts
Weathering: Caves formed from rain dissolving limestone, flood waters wear down land, frost wedging, glaciers scraping rocks
Erosion: Rain washing soil down a hill, mudslides, wind moves sand to another location, muddy water is carried down a moving river, flood water moves soil to another location.
Bill Nye Erosion (n.d) Retrieved from the web March 18, 2017 from
This video by Bill Nye explains how the earth’s surface is always changing. This video shows how various elements like liquid water, frozen water, and sand can change the shape of a landform. Water can wear away rocks, sand can wear away mountains, and frozen water can cause rocks to break.
Billy Blue Hair – What is Erosion? Retrieved from the web March 19 2017.
This video is an introduction to erosion for students. It is a cartoon that gives real-life examples to explain how landforms change. It first describes landforms as something nature created, like a beach or canyon. It also explains how landforms are often shaped by water, wind, and ice.
What is Biological Weathering? Feb. 23 2017
Erosion. (2017). In Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved from
Earth Eclipse is a website with well researched articles that pertain to the Earth, global warning, astronomy, geology, and other Earth sciences.
Estigarribia, D. (2006). Learning about rocks, weathering, and erosion with graphic organizers. New York, NY: Rosen Classroom Books & Materials.
This book not only provides information text for students on rocks, weathering, and erosion, but it also pairs that information with useful graphic organizers. It includes Venn diagrams, charts, maps, timelines, and more to help students organize and understand the chapters.
Mattern, J. (2006). Weathering and erosion and the rock cycle. New York, NY: PowerKids Press.
This book explains the different kinds of weathering and erosion and gives students many real world examples to help them understand the weathering and erosion processes.
Reiche, P. (1950). A survey of weathering processes and products. Rev. ed. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press.
This was published in 1950 and includes information on soil formation, rocks, weathering, and erosion. It deals with physical processes and chemical weathering.
The Geological Society. Retrieved from the web March 20 2017.
The Geological Society is a non-profit organization in London that tries to improve the understanding of Earth sciences. It publishes many scholarly articles for public consumption.
Smith, M.J., Southard, J.B, & Mably, C. (2001). Investigating Earth Systems: An Inquiry Earth Science Program. Armonk, NY: It’s About Time.
This book was created for students in middle school to learn about various Earth systems and how they are related. It is a curriculum program to teach students best science practices and was written by geoscience experts.
Teach Engineering. (n.d.) Retrieved March 14, 2007 from
Teaching Engineering is a website with a collection of projects and curriculum material that can be searched for use by K-12 teachers. It is designed so that students would move through different stations for each type of erosion to learn about the effects erosion has on Earth’s landscape.
Utah Education Network. Retrieved from the web March 18 2017.
This is a lesson with classroom activities to explain the four types of weathering processes: wind, running water, plant growth, and freezing water. It includes background information for teachers, as well as student worksheets that can be printed.
Weathering. (2017). In Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved from
This article explains the connection between weathering and erosion. It also explains the factors that control the type of weathering and the rate at which weathering occurs.
Weathering and Erosion. Retrieved from the web March 12 2017
This video from Discovery Education explains weathering and erosion in easy to understand language for students. It shows how weathering can change things around us and explains mechanical and chemical weathering in detail. A five question quiz is included at the end of the video.
Appendix A
Name: ________________
Date: ________________
Weathering and Erosion Venn Diagram
Physical Weathering- Station 1 Frozen Water
Students will examine the effect frozen water has on weathering
1 clear plastic cup
2 Sharpies, different colors
Student Instructions
Physical Weathering- Station 2 Wind
Students will examine the blowing sand and wind on rocks
1 wide beaker
1 cup of salt
1 piece of dark colored chalk
Student Directions
(Explain that the salt represents sand that wears away at rocks. )
Physical Weathering- Station 3 Running Water
Students will examine the effect frozen water has on weathering.
River rocks with sharp edges and smooth
Sandstone, 4 pieces
Plastic container with a lid
Student Directions
Observation- before river stones were added to water | |
Observations – while stones were in water | |
Observations- after stones were removed from the water |
Carbonic Acid
Chemical Weathering
Students will examine the effect size has on the rate of weathering.
2 cups
2 pieces of chalk
2 cups of vinegar
Paper Towel
Student Directions
Whole Piece of Chalk | Broken Piece of Chalk | |
Mass of Chalk- BEFORE
Mass of Chalk – AFTER
Difference in mass of Chalk
Water and Erosion
In this lesson, the students will be able to explain how water is an agent of erosion and show how water can change Earth by moving sediment and re-depositing it someplace else.
Small gravel
Aluminum pan
Paper Cup for each group
Student Procedures
1. What happened when you added water to the land?
2. What happened when you added one book under the land? What about when you added two books?
Draw a picture of what your “landform” looked like before and after adding the books.
Landform before adding books | Landform after adding books |
Wind and Erosion
Students will examine the water has on wind and erosion.
Aluminum pan, 2
1 cup of dry sand for each group
1 cup of wet sand for each group
Goggles, eye protection
Student Directions
Height – before | Width- before | Height- after | Width – after | |
Dry Sand |
Wet Sand |
Glaciers and Erosion
In this lesson, students will examine how glaciers can erode land and redeposit sediments.
Ice cubes, one for each group
Modeling clay
Paper towels
Students will be able to describe glaciers as an agent of erosion and show how glaciers and ice erode land.
Direct Instruction
Hands-on experiment
Student Procedures
Weathering and Erosion Word Sort
Weathering | Erosion |
Rain Washing soil down a hill | Mudslides
Caves formed from rain dissolving limestone | Wind moves sand to another location
Muddy water is carried down a moving river
Flood water moves solids to another location |
Wind blows sand and relocates it | Water freezes in the ground and breaks rocks
NGSS Standards
4-ESS2-1 Make observations and/or measurements to provide evidence of the effects of weathering or the rate of erosion by water, ice, wind, or vegetation.
4-ESS1-1 – Identify evidence from patterns in rock formations and fossils in rock layers to support an explanation for changes in a landscape over time.
PA Standards
PA:3.3.4 Science as Inquiry
PA:3.3.4.A1 Describe basic landforms. Identify the layers of the Earth. Recognize that the surface of the Earth changes due to both slow and rapid processes.
PA: 3.3.4.A2 Identify basic properties and uses of Earth’s materials including rocks, soils, water, and gases of the atmosphere.