Author: Liliana Ciobanu
A. Philip Randolph Career Academy
Year: 2006
Seminar: Probability and Statistics in the Social Sciences
School Subject(s): Math, Statistics
Students gain a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts if they have the opportunity to explore real-world applications. The abundance of game shows, casinos, and lotteries demonstrates how enjoyable and exciting games can be. During this unit, students will have the opportunity to study the applications of probabilities in the poker game and have fun at the same time. Different examples involving the counting principle, permutations, and combinations will be studied but the focus will be on investigating and interpreting probabilities for different types of 5-card poker hands: a pair, two pairs, full house, four cards of a kind, royal flush, and straight flush. My challenge is to create an interesting and in-depth activity, balance the theory with practical use cases, and maintain an appropriate pace of effort.
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As a teacher at Randolph Career Academy, I have the challenge of making mathematics meaningful to my students. Most of the students are performing poorly at standardized tests, but in whatever way the state or district tries to identify or label the problems at our school, the students prove to have logical thinking skills and complex understanding capabilities. They have not, however, found mathematics to be fun and exciting. This unit focuses on studying different outcomes in the act of playing poker as a means of learning mathematics and having fun at the same time.
The curriculum unit purpose is to help Algebra 2 students to apply probabilities to real life situations, make valid predictions on poker hands, analyze their predictions and use new knowledge to defend them or to create new ones. Students’ critical thinking, reasoning
and problem solving skills are expected to be enhanced by studying this unit. The students should understand during the unit that poker could be not only a game, but also a means to grasp difficult concepts of combinations and probabilities.
In order to build students’ mathematical knowledge as well as providing helpful skills, I propose a multi-day project-based unit that will involve the students in a process of learning combinations and probabilities through the study of poker game. Brainstorming instructional strategies will be implemented. Students will be involved in inquiry-based activities, along with exposure to multimedia products and hands-on experiences.
Several scenes involving poker playing from the Maverick movie (1994, Mel Gibson, Jodie Foster) will be presented to the students. They will use information from some Maverick movie scenes and hands-on activities to connect mathematical concepts with real-world problem settings.
In accordance with NCTM Standards for Mathematics Curriculum at the 9-12 level, students will:
If there are two events E1 and E2 where the first can happen in n1 different ways and the second in n2 different ways, then together the events can occur in n1 x n2 different ways, assuming that the events are not influencing each other.
This generalizes to k events E1, E2, …, Ek with the number of possibilities for the corresponding events n1, n2, …, nk. The total number of possibilities is n1 x n2 x …x nk.
Let’s suppose we select new uniforms for a team. The pants are coming in 2 styles, shirts in 3 styles, and hats in 4 styles. In how many different ways can a 3-piece uniform be selected? To determine how many choices there are in total, make a tree diagram, which will show 24 branches. Thus, there are 2 x 3 x 4 choices in all.
How many combinations exist for a lock that opens with a sequence a 3 numbers from 1 to 40? The total number is 40 x 40 x 40 = 64,000.
A permutation of some or all of the elements of a set is any arrangement of the elements in definite order. For example, for the set {a,
b, c} there are 6 permutations: abc, acb, bac, bca, cab, cba.
To find the number of permutations without listing them, the fundamental counting principle can be used:
In this way, the number of permutations of the elements of {a, b, c} is 3 x 2 x 1 = 3! = 6.
A combination is a way of choosing k objects out of a collection of n, or is a subset of k objects from a set of n. The number of ways of choosing k objects out of n is designated C(n, k) = nCk and is usually read as “n choose k”.
Ck = C(n, k) = P(n, k) / k! = n! / ((n-k)! x k!)
When you count combinations of elements of a set, the order in which they are listed is disregarded.
Let’s find out how many lines are determined by 7 points, no 3 of which are collinear. Two points determine a line, therefore n = 7 and k = 2: 7C2 = 7! / (2! x 5!) = 21.
In the game of poker a hand consists of five cards dealt from a deck of 52. How many different poker hands are there? We start out by considering permutations of 5 out of 52.
P(52, 5) = 52 x 51 x 50 x 49 x 48
Each hand will be counted more than once. How many times will each hand be counted? A given hand of 5 cards can be arranged in 5! = 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 120 different ways, so the total number of hands is
52 x 51 x 50 x 49 x 48 / 120 = 2,598, 960.
Poker is a game that is played all over the world. There are many forms of poker, but they differ only in minor details and all follow the same basic principles. In general, the players use a standard deck of fifty-two playing cards. Certain five card combinations are recognized in all forms of poker and the ranking of these combinations gives a poker hand its strength.
The 52 cards are divided into 4 suits – clubs, diamonds, hearts and spades – and each suit is divided into 13 ranks: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Jack, Queen, King, and Ace. In the game of poker a hand usually consists of 5 cards drawn from a standard deck of 52 cards.
Students should set up the cards and discuss all possible hands of five cards they could get during a poker game. The teacher will observe the interaction of students during the project, check for understanding and consider all different strategies they used for making and defend/change predictions. The information recorded by the students on the worksheets will be checked.
The types of winning hand from highest to lowest are:
(ex: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10). For 4 suits, there are 4 x 10 = 40 staights flushes, but if we exclude the royal flushes, the number of hands will be 40 – 4 = 36. Because the total number of hands of 5 cards is 52C5 = 2,598,960, the probability to get a straight flush is 36/2,598,960 = 0.0000138517.
– 40 = 5108, with probability approximately 0.0019654.
= 10,240, with probability 0.003940. If straight flushes and royal flushes are excluded, the number of hands will be 10,200, with probability 0.00392465.
Hand Type | Total Number of Hands | Probability |
None the same ABCDE | ||
One pair AABCD | ||
Two pairs AABBC | ||
Three of a kind AAABC | ||
Straight (ex: 5 6 7 8 9) | ||
Flush (five cards from the same suit) | ||
Full House AAABB | ||
Four of a kind AAAAB | ||
Straight Flush | ||
Royal Flush (A K Q J 10 from the same suit) | ||
9 |
When manipulatives for the classroom are devised, assessment is not always very precise. During this activity, the teacher can judge if the students are staying on task. It would be good to have the students take a matching quiz before and after finding the number of combinations and probabilities for each kind of hand. The rubric (see the attached document) should be used as a guideline for both teachers and students to understand that there will be a grade given to each day of work. The rubric is generic in nature and modifications should be made for each type of project.
Schultz, Ellis, Hollowell, Kennedy, Engelbrecht, (2004), Algebra 2, Holt Rinehart, and Winston
Larson, Kanold, Stiff (1993), Algebra 2, D.C. Heath and Company
Bettye C. Hall, Mona Fabricant (1990), Algebra 2 with Trigonometry, Prentice Hall
Liliana Ciobanu
RUBRIC: Group Project – Probabilities in the Poker Game
1 = Poor | 2 = Average | 3 = Good | 4 = Excellent | ||||||
| Chooses not to | | Participates | | Participates in | | Participates | ||
Contribution to | participate | inconsistently in group | group | actively in group | |||||
Group’s Tasks and | | Shows no concern | | Shows some concern | | Shows concern for | activities | ||
Completion of | for goals | for goals | goals | | Helps direct group | ||||
Own Task | Does less work than | Does almost as much | | Does an equal | in meeting goals | ||||
others | work as others | share of the work | Does a full share of | ||||||
the work or more | |||||||||
Discussion Skills | | Does not participate | | Shares ideas | | Shares ideas when | | Provides many | |
in group discussions | occasionally when | encouraged | ideas related to the | ||||||
and Active | Seems to be bored | encouraged | | Listens to others | project | ||||
Listening | with conversations about | Listens to others and | and participates in | | Listens attentively | ||||
the project | on some occasions makes | discussions consistently | to others | ||||||
suggestions | |||||||||
Never speaks up to | | Rarely expresses | | Usually shares | | Clearly | |||
express excitement and/or | feelings and/or preferences | feelings and thoughts | communicates ideas, | ||||||
frustration | | Sometimes hurts | with classmates | personal needs and | |||||
Communication | | Is openly rude when | feelings of others with | | Gives feedback in | feelings | |||
giving feedback | feedback | ways that do not offend | | Gives feedback to | |||||
Refuses to listen to | Argues own point of | | Accepts feedback | others without offending | |||||
feedback | view over feedback | reluctantly | | Accepts feedback | |||||
from others willingly | |||||||||
Time | | Some work never | Work is late but is | Work is ready very | Work is ready on | ||||
gets completed | completed in time to be | close to the agreed time | time or ahead of time | ||||||
graded | |||||||||
| Major elements of | | Conclusions and | | Conclusions and | | Conclusions are | ||
the project are incomplete | explanations demonstrate a | explanations are | accurate and thorough. | ||||||
Project Quality | or missing, demonstrating | partial understanding of the | complete and correct. | A minor omission is | |||||
a minimal understanding | concepts and procedures | Some minor errors or | acceptable. | ||||||
of the concepts and | required by the task. | omissions are accepted. | |||||||
procedures. |