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The Pulse of the Land: Using the Arts to Teach About War

Keeler Park
Keywords: Art, conflict, Creative Writing, Culture, emotion, History, Literary Analysis, military, Military History, poetry, primary source, secondary source, social studies, social-emotional learning, war, world history


World History or White History?: Deconstructing Race in the World History Classroom

Keeler Park
Keywords: analysis, annotation, Critical Race Theory, criticality, DBQ, discussion, document-based questions, Equity, Geography, History, map reading, power, primary source, race, Slavery, social studies, society, Sociology, world history


The Impact of the Haitian Revolution on 18th Century Philadelphia

Keysiah M. Middleton
Keywords: 18th century Philadelphia, 18th century Philadelphia merchants, affranchise, African American History, American History, big whites, class division in Saint Domingue, Code Noir of 1685, Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen, eleventh grade American History, Exclusif, francophone, free people of color, French negroes in Philadelphia, French slaves in Philadelphia, gens de couleur libres, Girondists, Global Studies, grands blancs, Haiti, Haitian rebellion, Haitian Revolution, Haitians in Philadelphia, high school history, Jacques Pierre Brissot, literature of Haitian Revolution, Middle school social studies, ninth grade World History, petits blancs, petty whites, Philadelphia 18th century history, Polverel, Saint Dominguan slaves in Philadelphia, Saint Domingue civil war, Saint Domingue rebellion, Saint Domingue refugees in Philadelphia, Saint Domingue slave revolution, slave uprising, small whites, Societie des Amis des Noir, Sonthonax, Stephen Girard, tenth grade African American History, world history

“Moving on Up”: The Causes and the Impact of the Great Migration on African Americans

Tonya R. Oniyama
Keywords: African American History, eleventh grade, inquiry-based learning, ninth grade, tenth grade, The Great Migration, world history


In their Shoes: Teaching the Holocaust through the Journey of a Chain of Witnesses, Survivors, and Rescuers

Stacia D. Parker
Keywords: advocacy, bearing witness, History, rescuers, survivors, testimony, world history


Film Literature of Middle Eastern Women: Explorations from Egypt, Iran, and Turkey

Bonnee Breese
Keywords: Egypt, Iran, Middle East, Technology, Turkey, United States, women, world history


Crossing Borders and Crossing Time: A Tableau of African Immigration and Migration in America

Stacia D. Parker
Keywords: Africa, African Diaspora, cultural traditions, Culture, immigrants, journey, languages, Liberia, memoirs, migrants, migratory experiences, oral history, Senegal, Sierra Leone, social traditions, trasnformation, tribes, world history

Possible Worlds (II)

Kate Reber
Keywords: American History, Bloodchild, Brave New World, Humanities, interdisciplinary, Math, possible world, Science, Technology, world history