Unit Title | Author |
Keeler Park |
Keywords: analysis, annotation, Critical Race Theory, criticality, DBQ, discussion, document-based questions, Equity, Geography, History, map reading, power, primary source, race, Slavery, social studies, society, Sociology, world history |
Hannah Zieve |
Keywords: African American History, anthropology, Geography, High School, project based learning, Research, social studies |
Charlie McGeehan |
Keywords: Geography, liberation, Philadelphia Neighborhoods, Senior Project |
Aisha Al-Muid |
Keywords: Geography, Mali, Nigeria, West Africa, West AFrican empires |
Anna Herman |
Keywords: asset-based community development, community based economic development, community gardens, environmental justice, foodsheds, gentrification, Geography, grassroots activism, land policy, land tenure, land use, mapping, neighborhood disinvestment, red-lining, story maps, urban agriculture, urban gardens, urban geography, Urban Planning, urban watersheds |
Erica Darken |
Keywords: cities, elementary, Geography, journey, Workshop |
Tia D. Larese |
Keywords: folktales, Geography, stories, storytelling |
Amanda Amanullah |
Keywords: astronomy, elementary, English, fractions, Geography, geometry, Math, perspective, physics, point of view, Proportion, Ratio, Reading, scale, Science, social studies, solar system, space, Space Science, universe, writing |
Patrick Naughton |
Keywords: American History, Empire, engineering, Geography, Panama Canal, Roosevelt, Socratic Seminar, yellow fever |
Tiffany Moyer |
Keywords: Cherokee, fractions, Geography, History, literacy, mixed numbers, Native American, Trail of Tears |