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Africa in the Classroom

Seminar Leader:
Lee Cassanelli


This course addresses some of the most commonly asked questions about African and explores strategies for dealing with several widespread assumptions and stereotypes about the continent. The course seeks to balance historical, cultural, and contemporary concerns, and will introduce a wide range of written and visual resources that can be used in the classroom. Among the topics we consider: Old Africa, Africa in the Atlantic Era, Contemporary issues in historical perspective

Unit TitleAuthor


Masquerading in Western Africa

Janice D. Williamson
Keywords: Africa, Art, Culture, customs, dance, Music

Tell Me About It: The Africa I Left Behind

Susan Bunch
Keywords: Africa, ESL, ESOL, storytelling, traditions, West Africa

What’s Cooking in West Africa?

Robert Sandy
Keywords: Africa, cooking, Food, food preparation, life skills, meals, West Africa

Mobile Africa: African Migration, Immigration and Emigration Across Time

Stephanie R. Wicks