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Painless Statistics for Teachers and Teaching

Seminar Leader:
Ross Koppel


Statistics, like them or not, is one of the major ways humans have of understanding the world.
In this seminar, we teach some basic statistics, but far more important, we use statistics to discuss and understand topics of great interest to society, to teachers, and to students. How do polls work? How are measures of teacher performance constructed and how are they interpreted? What is a standard deviation and why should I care? What is regression toward the mean? (Does it reflect how people get nastier…or is it something about the probability of getting a lower score if I did well on the first test?) What must we know about sampling and probability to understand statistics and to not lose our shirts at poker? How do I use graphs to display numerical information in ways that are understandable to children? To adults?
The seminar will be very hands-on and participatory. We’ll build a database by doing a content analysis of words used by students and public speakers. We’ll construct a survey and use the findings for our own analysis. We’ll interpret articles from today’s newspapers or radio and TV programs. We’ll observe how students arrange themselves in the lunch room and find ways of expressing those observations in numbers that can be compared across schools and times. Each session will devote consider-able time to working with teachers as they develop their own projects and curricular materials.

Unit TitleAuthor


Do You See What I See? Is Candy Just a Treat or a Math Tool? Statistics and You

Monica Brundage
Keywords: Data, Math, Middle, Probability / Statistics, special education, Statistics, vocabulary

Scatter Plots in Statistics for Struggling Students

Kathleen McCullough
Keywords: correlation, eighth grade, Math, Middle School, Probability / Statistics, scatter plots, Statistics

The Plot Thickens: Teaching Statistics Using Math Games

Klair McGlynn
Keywords: data displays, elementary, graph activities, kindergarten math games, Math, probability, Probability / Statistics, statistics for primary grades, surveys, using picture books in the math curriculum

Estimation Station

Melissa Freeman
Keywords: elementary, estimation, fall, kindergarten, Math, Probability / Statistics, Statistics

So What’s All This I Hear About a Math Gender Gap?

Joyce Arnosky
Keywords: data analysis, data landmarks, elementary, Math, mean, median, Probability / Statistics, range, social science research, Statistics, surveys, upper elementary

Statistics for First Grade, What Do You Mean?

Catherine Cmiel
Keywords: elementary, first graders, Math, Probability / Statistics, Statistics

Want to be a Better Reader? Then Read!

Jessica Ramos
Keywords: Book logs, English, graphing, Increased reading ability, Literature, Middle, Probability / Statistics

Survey Says: Exploring Statistics through Data Collection and Graphs

Rita Sorrentino
Keywords: charts, data collection, elementary, grades 5 and 6, infographics, Math, Probability / Statistics, Statistics, surveys

Creating a Survey and Analyzing and Displaying the Data Results from a Survey

Lance M. Levy
Keywords: Algebra 1, Math, Probability / Statistics, Probability and Statistics, statistical distributions, statistical questions, Statistics