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Indomitable Voices: LGBTQIA+ Activism within the Latinx Civil Rights Movement

Marla Colondres
Keywords: “Latinidad”, activism, civil rights, discrimination, equality, intersectionality, Latino/a/x/é, LGBTQIA+, Stonewall riots


Voting Rights and Black Electoral Power in the 21st Century

John Taylor-Baranik
Keywords: civic education, civil rights, dialogical pedagogy, inquiry-based learning, interdisciplinary curriculum, media literacy, student research, voting rights


African American Hair, Freedom, and Civil Rights: Using Film, Media, and African American Hair Styles to Analyze Civil Rights

Aisha Al-Muid
Keywords: African American, cinema, civil rights, film, freedom, Hair, Media

From “We Shall Overcome” to “Black Lives Matter”: Learning from the Present, Building on the Past

Geoffrey Winikur
Keywords: Black Art, Black Lives Matter, civil rights, collaborative learning, culturally responsive teaching, dialogic teaching, feminist pedagogy, inquiry-based learning


“Everybody But Me”: The Historical Implications of the Struggle for Civil Rights on Culture, Education, and Politics in the 21st Century

Erin Bloom
Keywords: African American History, civil rights, education, History, Politics, Slavery

From Slavery to Civil Rights: Get On the Bus with Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King, Jr.

Shelia Hawkins
Keywords: civil rights, Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, Slavery

The Civil Rights Era

Richard P. Holmes
Keywords: American History, civil rights, civil rights era


“We got to use what we got.” How Birmingham’s Children Became Foot Soldiers on the Front Lines in the Fight for Civil Rights Birmingham, Alabama 1963

Joyce Arnosky
Keywords: Alabama, Birmingham, Black History month, civil rights, segregation

The African-American Graphic Novel: Discovering, Examining and Creating Graphic Narratives of Racialized Experience

Tara Ann Carter
Keywords: civil rights, graphic novel, race