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Robots in Healthcare: From Science Fiction to Reality

Seminar Leader:
Michelle Johnson


The robots in science fiction are now becoming a reality and their creation embodies our search for a better self and life. This is particularly true when we consider robots in the medi-cal field, whether they replace a missing limb, or restore a motor skill lost due to injury. Robot designs are typically in-spired by the biology and function of humans and animals. We often use them to increase a human’s power, improve their precision, and extend their capabilities. This seminar explored the design and function of robots in medicine and healthcare. We looked at how they work; what animal, human part or function inspired them; how they enhance human function; and how they shed light on human frailties. Participants learned how robot designers use biomimicry to create their robots, how robots sense, think and act on their environment, and how they are being used to advance the healthcare field. The seminar also incorporated basic STEM knowledge (mechanics, algebra, anatomy, geometry, etc.) as it relates to the design, evaluation and use of robots.

Unit TitleAuthor


Gearing Up for Prosthetics

Vicki Baker
Keywords: algebra, engineering design, linear equations, mathematics, medical robotics, movement, prosthetic, word problems

Humans, Robots & Machines: Simplifying The Lives of Our Community

Kelli Gallagher
Keywords: Healthcare, Machines, Mechanics, Robots, rube goldberg, Science, simple machines, STEM

Prosthetic Robots in Healthcare

Surinder Kaur
Keywords: Anatomy, engineering, Healthcare, Machines, Robots, Science, STEM

Robotics: Solving Problems One Design At A Time

Tia D. Larese
Keywords: 3-d printing, 3.4.3.D1, 3.4.3.E1, animaloids, blended learning, collaboration, creativity 3.4.3.C1, design process, engineering, humanoids, ideation, makeology, onshape, persuasive writing, problem solving, recycled robots, robotics, Scratch, Technology

Robots In Autistic Support Education and Beyond: Implications and Applications For 21st Century Students In Middle and Secondary Autistic Support Services Programs

Cheryl Padgett
Keywords: Robots, Science, STEM, STEM Education for Students With Autism

Coding in First Grade

Amatise Ponzo
Keywords: Machines, Robots, Science