Unit Title | Author | Year |
Seminar: From Slavery to Civil Rights
Bernadette McHenry |
2013 |
Keywords: African American History, freedmen, High School, primary sources, Reconstruction, social studies |
Seminar: Native American Voices: The People – Here and Now
Kathleen Radebaugh |
2014 |
Keywords: activism, Christopher Columbus, Native Americans, primary sources, secondary sources, social media, Thanksgiving, writing |
Seminar: Southwest Native American Art & Culture
Theresa Lord |
2021 |
Keywords: analytic, colonization, divergent worldviews, Holistic, indigenous/U.S. relations, Navajo, primary sources, Pueblo, secondary sources, thesis writing |
Seminar: W.E.B. Du Bois and Philadelphia’s Seventh Ward
Ryann Rouse |
2023 |
Keywords: author’s purpose, cite evidence, Compare and contrast, high school ELA, historical fiction, informational text analysis, Philadelphia, primary sources, Seventh Ward, social science, summarization, The Philadelphia Negro, W.E.B. DuBois |